
  1. 陈垣先生对校勘学的贡献

    Mr. Chen Yuan 's Contributions to Textual Criticism

  2. 陈垣是我国研究“史讳”演变史的第一人。

    Chen Huan is the first to study the historical development of taboo in China .

  3. 《中国佛教史籍概论》是陈垣先生将佛教史与史学研究相结合的成果。

    The Outline of Chinese Buddhism History is one of Chen Yuan 's famous books .

  4. 陈垣以自己对中国宗教史的研究,奠定了在中国史学上的地位。其宗教史研究范围广泛,特点突出:注重各种不同史源材料的运用;

    Chen Yuan established himself in historiography by his study of the history of Chinese religions .

  5. 陈垣的《中国佛教史籍概论,》是一部有关佛教史籍目录的研究性著作。

    Chen Yuan 's Chinese Buddhism Historical Records Introduction is a research work of Buddhism historical records catalogue .

  6. 校长陈垣通过多种方式网罗了一大批国学名师,为学校的国学教育奠定了重要的师资基础。

    President Chen Yuan employed famous Chinese culture masters , laid an important teacher foundation for the Chinese studies education .

  7. 现代中国学术建构的重要内容是中西新旧的学术传承与发展,以陈垣和《辅仁学志》为中心的学者群体是其中重要一支力量。

    The groups of scholars of Chenyuan and Fujen Sinological Journal as the center were an importance of modern academic in China .

  8. 《陈垣年谱配图长编》是一部严谨有加的学术著作。

    The book , The Chronicle of Chen Yuan ′ s Life with Illustration is a seriously written work with academic value .