
  1. 美丽的你几时再我看一看?

    When will you beautiful again , I take a look ?

  2. 呵,美丽的你,在窝巢里就是你的爱,用颜色、声音和香气来围拥住灵魂。

    O thou beautiful , there in the nest is thy love that encloses the soul with colours and sounds and odours .

  3. 本文将教您如何照镜子,只看到一个美丽的你,虽然是理想化了。

    This article will show you how you can look in the mirror and despite the ideal , see only a beautiful you .

  4. 我要展现最美丽的给你!

    I want to show the most beautiful to you !

  5. 微笑是一种美丽的深你的灵魂。

    Smile is a deep beauty of your soul .

  6. 情人眼中最美丽的是你在其中的映像。

    The most beautiful part of a lover 's eyes is your reflection in them .

  7. 让美丽的女孩你的吻土地所有和避免一切丑陋的胖子。

    Make your kisses land on all the pretty girls and avoid all the ugly fatties .

  8. 美丽的女孩你在哪里?为何独自在林中徘徊?

    Beautiful girl where art thou from ? Why art thou wandering lonely in the forest ?

  9. 比那些名表、名牌、时装,更加美丽的是你自己。

    Than those who watch , designer , fashion , the more beautiful is your own .

  10. 但在真实世界中每件事物总是存在着,而在一个美丽的日子你将被迫忘记这一切并「永远」离开世间。

    In the Real World everything is always present and one beautiful day you will be allowed to forget everything and leave the world " forever " .

  11. 你这女子中极美丽的,你的良人往何处去了?你的良人转向何处去了?我们好与你同去寻找他。

    Where has your beloved gone , o you most beautiful among women ? Where has your beloved turned , that we may seek him with you ?

  12. 我妈当年也是很美丽的,你认为生7个小孩是件容易的事?

    Joey : I 'll have you know that Gloria Tribbiani was a handsome woman in her day , alright ? You think it 's easy giving birth to seven children ?

  13. 有美丽的不仅仅是你和我。

    There is beauty in more than just you and me .

  14. 美丽的朝霞,你再次拂过我的心。

    Beautiful dawn , You 're just blowing my mind again .

  15. 也许我以为你是美丽的,但你并不是。

    Whatever , I don 't care , at least now .

  16. 在你最美丽的时候,你遇见了谁?

    In the most beautiful you , who you met ?

  17. 王子:美丽的姑娘,你将成为我的新娘!

    P : A beautiful girl ! She shall be my queen !

  18. 也许,他是一个美丽的梦,你随手就可以抓住。

    Maybe it is a beautiful dream which you can capture it casually .

  19. 附近,另一个如明信片般美丽的渔村恭候你的光临-佩吉湾。

    Nearby , another post card fishing village awaits you : Peggy 's Cove .

  20. 或许因我被选为国土上最美丽的,让你觉得难受了。

    Maybe it just bothers you , I was voted fairest in the land .

  21. 这里列出了25个美丽的地方,你可以把它加到你的人生目标清单上。

    Here 's a list of 25 amazing places to put on your bucket list .

  22. 这样,等于我每天都能收到美丽的玫瑰,你每天都能吃到香甜的巧克力。

    Thus , every day I will receive cute rose and you will have sweet chocolate .

  23. 生活并不总是像美丽的童话,你得承认这点。

    Life is not always like a fairy talk , and you have to live with it .

  24. 当他的运动之一美丽的连衣裙,你肯定可以觉得自己是一个真正的女人。

    When sporting one of his beautiful frocks , you are guaranteed to feel like a real woman .

  25. 这是我生命中唯一美丽的事情,你无法阻止我们结婚。

    It 's the only beautiful thing in my life , and you can 't stop us from marrying .

  26. 我的玛丽啊就睡在你身旁,你却潺潺流淌,美丽的阿夫顿,你轻轻流,别扰她的梦乡。

    My Mary 's asleep by thy murmuring stream , Flow gently , sweet Afton , disturb not her dream

  27. 他们要砍倒那棵美丽的古树,你居然毫不在意,你简直毫无灵性!

    You don 't care if they cut down that beautiful old tree . you 've got no soul !

  28. 有一副美丽的嗓子,你也不是非得一辈子做婚礼歌手。

    You don 't have to spend your life singing at weddings just because you have a silky voice .

  29. 通过你的噩梦变成美丽的梦,你的纯朴启迪世界,你的笑容,征服的记忆。

    Through you the nightmares become beautiful dreams , your simplicity enlighten the world , and your big smile , conquer the memories .

  30. 这是个美丽的傍晚,你感觉好像整个宇宙就在你身边,有种奇异的寂静包围着你。

    It was a lovely evening , and somehow you felt that the whole universe was there beside you , and a strange quietness surrounded you .