
nán jīnɡ duàn
  • Tilia miqueliana
  1. 基于ISSR标记的5个南京椴种群的遗传多样性分析

    Study on genetic diversity of five populations of Tilia miqueliana Maxim . by using ISSR marker

  2. 南京椴种子休眠解除过程胚乳物质代谢的研究

    Study on Substance Metabolism Changes in Endosperm of Tilia Miqueliana Seeds during Dormancy Releasing

  3. 这两种真菌出现在南京椴的变色边材部分,属首次报道。

    The both of was first reported on the Tilia miqueliana Maxim , staining sapwood .

  4. 南京椴种子发育过程中,种皮厚度明显增加,种皮中间层分化为木质化纤维结构。

    Thickness of seed coat obviously added , middle seed coat was growed into woodiness fiber structure during the during developmental process . 3 .

  5. 南京椴盛花和成熟叶片总黄酮提取液的抗氧化活性与总黄酮的浓度和反应时间成正比,南京椴盛花的总黄酮提取液的抗氧化活性大大强于南京椴成熟叶片。

    The antioxidant activity of Tilia miqueliana mature flowers and mature leaves flavonoid extract were strengthened with the concentration of flavonoids and reaction time .

  6. 对南京椴采用硬枝扦插、种子常规发芽、萌蘖分株、嫩枝扦插4种繁殖方法进行探索,结果表明,在自然状态下,前两种方法不可能成功;

    Experiment on4 reproduction methods just as adult cutting , seed germination , sprouting and young cutting showed that under natural conditions , the former two method could not success ;