
xǐ shù
  • camptotheca acuminata
  1. 目的以生物活性为向导在喜树中寻找天然的DNA拓扑异构酶I抑制剂。

    AIM : To find natural DNA topoisomerase I inhibitors from Camptotheca acuminata Decne .

  2. 喜树(Camptothecaacuminata)是珙桐科(Nyssaceae)的一种落叶阔叶树,为我国南方特有树种,含有抗肿瘤作用的喜树碱。

    Camptotheca acuminata , a deciduous tree , which grows in the southern China , contains an alkaloid of anti-cancer properties named camptothecin .

  3. 但浅表性膀胱癌术后复发率仍很高,术后为预防复发多配合膀胱灌注治疗,目前常用的药物为丝裂霉素C、羟基喜树碱、卡介苗等。

    But the recurrence rate of superficial bladder cancer after surgery is still high .

  4. 喜树中两个DNA拓扑异构酶Ⅰ抑制剂(英文)

    Two DNA Topoisomerase I Inhibitors from Camptotheca acuminata Decne . ( Nyssaceae )

  5. 自然光和热对闭环(E环)喜树碱稳定性的影响

    Effection of Nature Light and Heat for Stability of Close Loop form of CPT

  6. HPLC法测定羟基喜树碱人血清白蛋白纳米粒中的药物含量

    Determination of 10-hydroxycamptothecin in human serum albumin nanoparticles by HPLC

  7. pH值胁迫对喜树苗期生长及生理指标的影响

    The Camptotheca acuminata seedling 's growth and changes of its physiological indexes under different pH stress

  8. 芫花酯甲的化学结构与喜树碱类完全不同,属于新结构类型的DNA拓扑异构酶I抑制剂。

    Yuanhuacine is another kind of Topo I inhibitor with completely different structure compared with known camptothecin and its analogs .

  9. 羟基喜树碱对KB细胞克隆形成的抑制及对DNA的损伤

    Inhibitory effect of hydroxycamptothecin on colony formation of KB cells and DNA damage

  10. P53基因在羟基喜树碱致大肠肿瘤细胞凋亡中的作用

    The Influence of P53 Gene in Hydroxyl Camptothecin Induced Apoptosis of Colorectal Cancer

  11. 不同时间采摘的喜树嫩叶中喜树碱含量的HPLC分析

    Analysis on the Contents of Camptothecin in Young Camptotheca acuminate Leaves Picked in Different Dates by HPLC

  12. NaCl胁迫对喜树幼苗生长和光合特性的影响

    Effects of NaCl stress on seedlings growth and photosynthesis characteristics of Camptotheca acuminata

  13. 热疗合并羟基喜树碱对荷Lewis肺癌小鼠的作用

    The Effect of Hyperthemia with Hydroxycamptothecine on Mice with Lewis Lung Carcinoma

  14. 运用羟基喜树碱与5-FU治疗恶性胸腔积液的对照观察

    Control observation on HCPT and 5-FU therapy for malign pleural effusion

  15. 载羟基喜树碱微泡+超声组与其他各组间的差异具有显著性意义(P0.05)。

    The result of HCPT-loaded microbubbles plus ultrasound group was significantly different with other groups ( P 0.05 ) .

  16. 10-羟基喜树碱治疗胃肠道肿瘤近期疗效及安全性的Meta分析

    Short-Term Efficacy and Safety of 10-Hydroxy-camptothecin Chemotherapy on Gastrointestinal Carcinoma : A Meta-analysis

  17. 结果在模拟生理pH下24h受脂质体包裹的羟喜树碱的闭环率仍大于90%。

    RESULTS More than 90 % HCPT in liposomes remained its lactone form in stimulated physiological environment for 24 h.

  18. RP-HPLC法测定注射用羟喜树碱脂质体含量

    Determination of Hydroxycamptothecin Liposome for Injection by HPLC

  19. NFκB在羟基喜树碱诱导乳腺癌细胞凋亡和细胞周期阻滞中的作用机制研究

    Roles of NF κ B in G 1 / S Cell Cycle Checkpoint and Apoptosis Induced by HCPT in Human Breast Carcinoma Cells

  20. 结果悬浮培养细胞在MS培养基中细胞生长良好,细胞分散性和喜树碱积累优于在其他培养基中。

    Results Suspension culture cells grew well in MS medium and cell homogeneity and camptothecin content were superior to those in other media .

  21. 这说明,pH值为5.8的酸性培养基和喜树叶片薄壁细胞内的酸性成分自泌可能共同诱导了其细胞壁的酸性降解。

    This indicated the medium of pH 5.8 and the secretory acid component in parenchyma cell in C. acuminata leaf both induced the cell wall degradation .

  22. 经TLC,IR,NMR,MS分析证实为喜树碱(camptothecin),毒性试验证明是喜树叶的主要有毒成分。

    The toxicity test proved that Camptothecin is the main toxic element in the leaves of Camptotheca acuminata .

  23. 结肠癌羟基喜树碱耐药细胞SW1116/HCPT酵母双杂交cDNA文库的构建和鉴定

    Construction and characterization of yeast two-hybrid cDNA library of hydroxycamptothecin-resistant human colon cancer cell line SW1116 / HCPT in yeast cells

  24. 喜树各器官喜树碱(CPT)含量变化分析

    Analysis of Camptothecin ( CPT ) content on different organs in Camptotheca acuminata

  25. 羟基喜树碱合用PF方案治疗食管癌术后肺转移68例临床观察

    Clinical observation of 68 cases of esophageal carcinoma postoperative pulmonary metastasis with HCPT and PF combination therapy

  26. 方法建立了采用RP-HPLC法测定兔血浆和组织中羟基喜树碱浓度的方法。

    Methods RP-HPLC was used to determine the concentration of HCPT in different tissues and plasma of rabbits .

  27. 为了研究喜树碱的药理性质,用比导数荧光光谱和紫外吸收光谱法分析了喜树碱在不同pH介质中的形态分布。

    The distribution of camptothecin and its ring opened form was studied by first derivative ratio spectrum of UV vis absorption and fluorescence spectrometry in different pH aqueous buffer solutions .

  28. 目的:预测羟基喜树碱(OPT)的抗癌谱,指导临床用药。

    Objective The anti carcinoma pattern of hydroxy camptothecine ( OPT ) is estimated and guided to clinical medication .

  29. 背景与目的:伊立替康(CPT-11)是喜树碱类抗癌药物,为DNA拓扑异构酶Ⅰ抑制剂。

    Background and purpose : Irinotecan ( CPT-11 ) is a derivative of camptothecin , an inhibitor of DNA topoisomerase I.

  30. 结论:羟基喜树碱为主的化疗方案有明显降低瘤负荷及抑制巨噬细胞分泌TNFα的作用。

    Conclusions : The chemotherapy of hydroxycamptothecin combined with calcium folinate and 5-fluorouracil can dramatically reduce the neoplasia and inhibit the secretion of TNF α of macrophagocyte .