
  • 网络frustration theory;Setback Theory;frustrativenonreward theory
  1. 在此基础上根据有关挫折理论和青少年身心发展的特点,从学校、家庭和社会三个外在层面探讨了加强青少年挫折教育的有效途径,以期促进和加强青少年的挫折教育。

    Based on and according to the related frustration theory and traits of juvenile development , this article discussed the effective approaches from school , family and society , presuming that juvenile frustration education would be promoted and strengthened .

  2. 传统的激励理论包括需求层次理论、双因素理论、期望理论、强化理论和挫折理论,这些理论自成一说,相互补充。

    These are the technological routes that adopted . Traditional motivational theories include demand level theory , dual factors theory , theory of expecting , aggrandizement theory and setback theory .

  3. 这些误区是导致包括中国在内的所有社会主义国家认识上产生失误、实践中遭受挫折、理论方面滞后的根本所在。

    These misconceptions have caused socialist countries , including China , to make mistakes and suffer heavy losses .

  4. 简单介绍挫折攻击理论的主要内容,分析其与青少年犯罪之间的关系并提出几点启示;然后从内部原因和外部原因探寻究竟为什么青少年会走上犯罪的道路。

    Introduces the main contents of frustration against theory , analyzes the relationship between with teenagers crime and pointed out its enlightenment ; Then from internal cause and external cause explore why teenagers would become criminals .

  5. 加强挫折教育的理论支撑和加快挫折教育完整方案的制定是今后挫折教育研究的重要任务。

    The frustration education is the request of the teenager 's development and the society development . Strengthening the theories support and designing the complete project are the important mission of the frustration education .

  6. 研究表明,我国有针对性的大学生挫折教育的理论和实践研究相对滞后,针对不同的挫折类型,开展具体行之有效的挫折教育更是少之又少,已经成为阻碍他们全面素质提高的重要因素之一。

    Studies have suggested that our pointed theory and practice researches on university students ' setback education are relative lagging than other countries , and there is less effectual setback education to students according to different psychological characteristics , these have already become obstacles of their overall quality improvement .

  7. 在挫折&攻击假说理论下,刑讯逼供犯罪是对讯问挫折的一种反应。

    Under the theory of " Frustration-Aggression " hypothesis , inquisition by torture is considered as police 's reaction to the frustration during interrogation .

  8. 虽然这场改良运动最终随着资产阶级革命的失败而失败,一批致力于京剧改良的艺术家遭受挫折,但其理论上的启蒙作用和实践上的开创之功,都是不可忽视的。

    Although this improved movement ultimately failed with the failure of the bourgeois revolution . Group of committed artists of the opera modified suffered a setback , the power to create in its theoretical enlightenment and practice can not be ignored .