
  • 网络Weiner;Anthony Weiner;Jeff Weiner;B.Weiner
  1. 美国心理学家韦纳的归因理论。

    The attribution theory by American psychologist B.Weiner ;

  2. 韦纳就职于美国交通部。

    Weiner works for the US Department of Transport

  3. 《广告狂人》(MadMen)的创作者马修•韦纳(MatthewWeiner)在一堆DVD旁坐下,里面有他自己的热门电视剧中的好几季。

    Matthew Weiner , the Mad Men creator , took a seat by a stack of DVDs , which included multiple seasons of his own hit TV show .

  4. 弗吉尼亚州SaxonShoes老板、美国国家鞋类零售商协会(NationalShoeRetailersAssociation)理事加里•韦纳(GaryWeiner)表示,鞋类商店“非常担心”在实体店试穿、然后在网上购买的行为。

    Gary Weiner , owner of Saxon Shoes in Virginia and a board member of the National Shoe Retailers Association in the US , said shoe-sellers were " very concerned " about fit-lifting .

  5. 据NPR新闻的丹·鲍勃科夫报道,今天,由NBC纽约4台、《华尔街日报》和玛丽斯特学院共同进行的民调显示,韦纳的支持率落后领先者9个百分点。

    NPR 's Dan Bobkoff reports an NBC 4 New York / Wall Street Journal / Marist poll out today shows Weiner 9 points behind the frontrunner .

  6. 领英首席执行官杰夫•韦纳(JeffWeiner)表示,两家公司“具有极大的合作空间……它们都试图帮助职场人士在各自的领域提升自己”。

    Jeff Weiner , chief executive of LinkedIn , said the companies " are highly aligned   .   .   .   both companies seek to help professionals be better at what they do . "

  7. 美国选民正在见证一个鲜活的例子,由前国会议员安东尼•D•韦纳(AnthonyD.Weiner)和希拉里•克林顿(HillaryClinton)的高级助手胡玛•阿贝丁(HumaAbedin)的离婚案引发。

    The electorate is now witnessing a vivid example of this , arising from the separation of Anthony D. Weiner , a former congressman , and Huma Abedin , a top aide to Hillary Clinton .

  8. 不过,至少现在领英首席执行官杰夫•韦纳(JeffWeiner)不太可能担心被打入冷宫,更可能出现的,是他会与微软的董事会对话。

    But at least this time , Reid Hoffman , LinkedIn 's chief executive , is less likely to fear being relegated to the broom cupboard - and a lot more likely to be talking to the board .

  9. 归因的研究源于美国心理学家韦纳(B.Weiner)在十九世纪七十年代提出而在八十年代修正的归因理论,它是一种引起动机的理论。归因也是第二语言学习中的一种常见现象。

    The attribution theory originates from the American psychologist Weiner 's theory of attribution , which was put forward in the 1970s and was modified in the 1980s .

  10. 韦纳的归因训练理论模式及其实施

    Weiner 's Theoretic Pattern on Attributional Retraining and It 's Practicing

  11. 谈韦纳归因理论对运动实践的启示

    The Enlightenment of Weiner 's Attribution Theory in Sports Practice

  12. 韦纳的归因理论。

    The attribution theory by American psychologist B . Werner ;

  13. 其他的修改的管理团队包括任命临时总统杰夫•韦纳。

    Other changes to the management team include the appointment of Interim President Jeff Weiner .

  14. 韦纳写道,冰岛语中的一些用语其实更能说明问题。

    Certain phrases in the Icelandic language , Weiner writes , are even more telling .

  15. 本文简要介绍了韦纳归因理论以及该理论对教学的指导作用。

    This paper simply introduces Weiner 's attribution theory and directing function for the teaching .

  16. 杰夫•韦纳,邻客音首席执行官

    Jeff Weiner , CEO , LinkedIn

  17. 韦纳动机归因理论是当今教育心理学领域研究的焦点。

    The theory of Weiner ' motivation attribution is a focus of researches in Psychology of Education .

  18. 运用韦纳的归因理论和分析方法,对我国27名健将级(包括国际健将)女子篮球运动员进行调查研究。

    27 top-level Chinese women basketball players were investigated with the attribution theory and methods of Weiner .

  19. 结果表明:1.韦纳的原因归因,情感、行动归因模式适用我国小学生;

    The results are : 1.The model by B. Weiner is suitable for the pupils of our country ;

  20. 在被问及是否考虑过拒绝提供服务,韦纳说:我们每次都考虑拒绝。

    Asked if he had considered refusing , he said : We think about it every single time .

  21. 同时,韦纳承认他在离开国会后,最多与3名女性有过这种不当交流。

    Meanwhile , Weiner admitted that he may have communicated with as many as three women since leaving Congress .

  22. 韦纳发现,瑞士人做事很有效率、守时,比其他国家的人富裕,几乎不会遭遇失业。

    The Swiss , Weiner discovered , are efficient and punctual , comparatively wealthy and face hardly any unemployment .

  23. 针对韦纳的联邦调查披露了大量信息,其中有些属于阿贝丁。

    A federal investigation of Mr. Weiner revealed a trove of messages , including some belonging to Ms. Abedin .

  24. 这部电影的剧本将由一手捧红剧集《广告狂人》的影人马修-韦纳撰写剧本,并且将首次担任导演一职。

    Mad Men creator Matthew Weiner wrote the script and will make his feature directorial debut with the project .

  25. 韦纳再次卷入丑闻,现在奎因在民主党选民中以25%的支持率领先得到16%支持率的韦纳。

    With Weiner again embroiled in scandal , Quinn now leads Weiner 25 % to 16 % among Democratic voters .

  26. 韦纳说,「国际捕鲸委员会会员国必须承诺保护鲸鱼,而非为捕鲸业辩护。」

    " Governments attending the IWC must make a commitment to defend the whales , not the whaling industry ," Werner said .

  27. 之后韦纳从国会辞职,但是他与希拉里·克林顿的助手哈玛·阿比丁的婚姻却维持了下来。

    Weiner resigned from Congress , but his marriage to Huma Abedin , a long time aide to Hillary Clinton , survived .

  28. 韦纳的归因理论认为,归因方式不同,个体的行为反应和情感反应也不同。

    Weiner 's attribution theory believes that , different attribution style can lead to different individual 's behavioral responses and emotional reactions .

  29. 作为众议院曾经的领袖,南希·佩洛西称像韦纳这样的男子行为应受到谴责。

    And as old boss in the House , Nancy Pelosi spoke out , calling the behavior of men like him reprehensible .

  30. 韦纳称,这是杨致远在雅虎创立时就有的想法,但返朴归真未必适用。

    This was the same idea he had when Yahoo was founded , but back-to-basics did not necessarily apply , said Mr Weiner .