
  1. 韦乐平表示,运营商无权阅读用户的短信内容,因此无法辨别是否属于垃圾短信。

    Wei said operators did not have the right to read short messages and decide which was junk and which was not .

  2. 中国电信科技委主任韦乐平在接受《中国日报》采访时称,即便在春节期间,打击垃圾短信的工作也会继续。

    Wei Leping , chief-engineer from China Telecom told China Daily that even during Spring Festival , the crackdown on spam messages will continue .

  3. 即便采取了这么严格的措施打击垃圾短信,很多人仍能收到很多垃圾短信。韦乐平说。

    " Even though such strict measures to fight against junk messages are taken , many people still receive tens of such messages ," Wei said .