
  • 网络adversity quotient
  1. 课外体育竞赛对增强普通高校学生挫折商的作用分析

    The Athletic Sports ' Function on the Adversity Quotient of Undergraduates in Ordinary University

  2. 同时,也说明了体育运动对提高大学生挫折商有很大帮助。

    At the same time , it shows that athletic sports can help greatly increase students ' adversity quotient .

  3. 普通高校学生与体育类院校学生挫折商比较分析与探讨

    Comparing Analysis and Discussion on the Adversity Quotient of Undergraduates Between Ordinary University and Physical Educational College

  4. 摘要:除了智商、情商外,近年来又流行一个新概念:挫折商(逆商)。

    Besides the intelligence quotient , discusses a request , in recent years was popular a new concept : Setback business ( counter business ) .

  5. 处于充满机遇和挑战环境中的当代大学生要全面发展,除了要具有高智商、高情商外,还要有高挫折商。

    All-sided progress of up-to-date students in a society with opportunity and challenge needs high adversity quotient ( AQ ), besides high intelligence quotient ( IQ ) and emotion quotient ( EQ ) .

  6. 每当一家公司遇到挫折或者灾难,商学院教授和管理类新闻记者就会为其它公司总结经验教训。

    Whenever a company suffers a setback or calamity , business school professors and management journalists lay out the lessons for other businesses .