
  • 网络life partner
  1. 如果我能找到人生伴侣,我会很幸福;

    I 'll be happy when I find a life partner .

  2. 不同的是,三十而立的他打算开始寻觅人生伴侣。

    Difference is that in his30 's he intends to begin looking for life partner .

  3. 今年46岁的米勒德和她的人生伴侣兼C.S.A.生意伙伴、BossyAcres公司的合伙人卡拉·潘科(KarlaPankow),把满脚的泥带进了车里。

    Ms. Millard , now 46 , and Karla Pankow , her partner in life and in their C.S.A. business , called Bossy Acres , tracked mud into the car .

  4. 不过,纽约婚介斯宾德(JanisSpindel)就公开表示,底特律一个拥有数百万身家的富翁让她帮助寻找人生伴侣。

    Still , Janis Spindel , a matchmaker from New York , is on the publicity circuit saying she has got a handsome Detroit multimillionaire looking for a wife .

  5. 也在这流亡的路上,遇到了未来的人生伴侣&珍妮·克劳德。

    In his exiled way , he met his life partners-Jeanne-Claude .

  6. 我厂生产的洁净水是您不可缺少的人生伴侣。

    The pure water from our factory is your necessary lifetime companion .

  7. 我是您的人生伴侣&席梦思床垫。

    I am your lifetime companion & the spring mattress .

  8. 你是我最完美的人生伴侣

    And I couldn 't ask for a better partner in life .

  9. 但是在现实生活中,她还遇上合适的人生伴侣。

    But in real life , she has yet to find the right person .

  10. 他们各自又找到了自己的人生伴侣。

    They 'd each found a life match .

  11. 父母看到你找到了人生伴侣,一定会是又惊讶又满意。

    Your parents will be surprised and contented as they see you find your life partner .

  12. 您认为好的人生伴侣(家庭成员)需要具备什么样的特质?

    What characters do you think a good life partner ( family member ) should have ?

  13. 结果:74%的同学认为恋爱目的是为了选择人生伴侣。

    Results : Seventy-four percent of students considered that being in love was for choosing life partner .

  14. 但尽管重要,这些不是寻找人生伴侣时唯一需要考虑的事情。

    But while important , those are not the only things to look for in a partner .

  15. 除非我们的人生伴侣也能得到他或她想要的,否则,我们不可能得到自己想要的事物。

    We cannot obtain what we want unless our partner also gets what he or she wants .

  16. 你不是见一位潜在人生伴侣,而是在等电梯时聊上30秒。

    You are not meeting a potential life partner , but chatting for30 seconds waiting for the lift .

  17. 你可能会梦想着遇见人生伴侣,或是居住在海边的大房子里。

    You may daydream about meeting your life partner or living in a big house by the sea .

  18. 随后李彦宏出国留学,在国外求学期间遇到了最重要的人生伴侣——他的妻子。

    Li then went abroad . He met his most important partner - his wife - while studying abroad . Pony Ma

  19. 你必须得找到自己热爱的东西,工作如此,人生伴侣亦然。

    You 've got to find what you love , and that is as true for work as it is for your lovers .

  20. 但讽刺的是,当结束一份朋友间的关系时,我们经历了一个如同失去爱人或人生伴侣相似的悲痛过程。

    Ironically , when it comes to friends , we go through a similar grieving process as when we lose a lover or life partner .

  21. 那么,怎样才能分辨你在寻求人生伴侣过程中的注意力是放在正面而非负面的方向呢?

    So , how can you tell if you are focusing more on the positive than the negative regarding your expectations of finding your soulmate ?

  22. 但在以后的生活里,我也象雷切尔那样找到了自己的人生伴侣,我们彼此永久又深深地爱着,同甘共苦直到今天。

    Like Rachel , I found someone else , whom I learned to love with a deep and permanent commitment that has lasted to this day .

  23. 一生中,我们的心和灵魂需要安慰和丰富,我们需要人生伴侣在生活中支持我们,自然而然,这些都来自婚姻关系。

    Our hearts and souls need to be nourished , and we need companionship to support us through life , which normally are derived from loving relationships .

  24. 但寻找人生伴侣对那些倾向于博弈论的人来说,也叫做“配对博弈”正是“搜寻与匹配”理论的一个重要应用。

    But finding a life partner or " the mating game " , for those inclined to game-theory is an important application of the theory of search and matching .

  25. 他富有而单身,更重要的是他不小气。可是尽管有着非常好的条件,47岁的拉里格林菲尔德似乎找不到一个合适的人生伴侣。

    Hes rich , single and most importantly , hes not cheap , but despite all these qualities , 47-year-old Larry Greenfield cant seem to find a suitable life partner .

  26. 特别是有些消费者已经习惯了用鼠标和键盘挑选和购买一切东西,甚至包括挑选自己的人生伴侣。

    Yet that day feels as though it 's drawing closer , especially for consumers who will choose anything and everything -- including a spouse -- using keypad or mouse .

  27. 条件虽然艰苦,但学员们对生活充满热情,她们用歌声表达心声,也在革命征程中寻找到自己的人生伴侣。

    Although the hard condition , students with a passion for life , they use song to express feelings , also find their own life companion in the journey of revolutionary .

  28. 由于年轻时没有智慧,所以没有找到如意的人生伴侣,至今未婚(略显年轻)。

    When he was young , not because of intelligence , eyes obscured by the world , so do not find ideal life partner , is still single ( slightly younger ) .

  29. 你是我忠实的男性好朋友。毫无疑问我希望在你那边能找一个优秀的女人作为我的人生伴侣,与她在你们国家共度余生。

    Not withstanding am seeking for a nice woman with hope you by side am too sure to have my life partner whom I will tagged my life with from your country .

  30. 他富有而单身,更重要的是他不小气。可是尽管有着非常好的条件,47岁的拉里·格林菲尔德似乎找不到一个合适的人生伴侣。

    He 's rich , single and most importantly , he 's not cheap , but despite all these qualities , 47-year-old Larry Greenfield can 't seem to find a suitable life partner .