  • marshland;waterside land;marsh;bog
  • 水边的高地,岸:江~。汉~。

  • 沼泽,湖泊:“鹤鸣于九~”。

  • 号呼;呼告:“来瞽令~舞”。

  1. C炉二级过热器爆管的原因分析及对策皋埠热电厂低温过热器爆管原因分析及解决措施

    Reason Analysis and Countermeasures for the Two-stage Superheater Explosion of C Furnace

  2. 实验发现,大鼠皋丸间质结缔组织及血管壁接受NA能神经支配:此种带膨体荧光神经纤维发出分枝,伸进曲细精管壁;

    The experimental results showed that the interstitial tissue and the wall of blood vessels of testis and epididymides received noradrenergic nerve innervation .

  3. 重组质粒经质脂体包裹,注入到兔和羊的皋丸或输精管中,后代PCR、Southern检测表明,部分个体含有外源基因。

    Recombinant vector coated by liposome was injected into testis and spermaduct of rabbit and caprine . PCR and Southern blotting showed that exogenous gene was found in some of progenies .

  4. 比如说,市场当然不会容忍加拿大央行(BankofCanada)的政策制定者完全由冰球选手组成&因为在中央银行业,信誉被奉为圭皋。

    Markets would certainly not tolerate policymakers at the Bank of Canada , say , being made up entirely of ice hockey players – because the holy grail of central banking is credibility .

  5. 在初步探讨各种事件检测技术的组合问题的皋础上,为解决高速公路事件检测技术信息融合问题,将D-S证据理论引入到事件检测领域,并建立一种高速公路事件检测技术信息融合D-S方法。

    Based on combination of incident technologies , in order to resolve incident detection technology information fusion problems , an information fusion D-S method of incident detection technology is established .

  6. 在此基皋础上,详细分析了高速公路事件检测ANN模型和SVM模型、高速公路事件检测算法融合表决融合方法及高速公路事件检测技术信息融合D-S方法3种事件检测信息融合方法的建模与仿真问题。

    Based on this , we discuss modeling and simulation of the ANN and SVM incident detection models , voting fusion of incident detection algorithm and information fusion D-S method of incident detection technology in detail .

  7. 在装配结构按合面处添加附加面,利用多点约束(MPC)技术,将装配结构连接在一起,通过合理定义附加面的材料属性皋达到模拟装配零件之间实际连接刚度的目的。

    By attaching an auxiliary surface between the assembled parts , defining the material properties of the auxiliary surface and connecting the assembled parts with the Multi-Point Constraints ( MPC ) technique from MSC , the practical connecting stiffness of the assembly structure can be simulated .

  8. 从北皋出口出来,上京顺路北京方向。

    Join the Jingshun Road with direction to Beijing .

  9. 大家都笑九方皋不认识马的颜色和性别。

    We all laughed nine Gao Fang Ma did not know the color and gender .

  10. 建议你再等等看,很多小儿隐皋在1岁以后会自动下降的。

    I suggest you wait and see again , many children hidden in the1-year-old Gao will automatically decline .

  11. 公元803年,在韦皋的主持下,千万个匠师经过15年的辛勤劳动,使建佛工程终于告竣。

    The project was finally completed in 803 after another 15 years of construction by ten of thousands of workers under the supervision of Wei Gao .

  12. 兰州黄土滑坡与地表水入渗变形关系分析&以皋兰山滑坡降雨入渗试验研究为例

    Analysis of relationship between deformation of Lanzhou loess landslide and surface water ( rain water ) seepage & an example of rain seepage experimental study in Gaolan mountain landslide

  13. 皋落戈与上皋落戈对于研究春秋战国时期赤狄族的居地和迁徙具有重要价值。

    The study of the Gaoluo and Upper Gaoluo spears has an important value to study the habitation and migration of Chi Di in Spring and Autumn , Warring States period .

  14. 其次是《神皋杂俎》的研究现状和价值,第一是归纳出已有资料的类别,分为整理类、文学评论类和数字资源。

    Second is the " shen gao za zu " research status , the first is summarized the existing material category , divided into sorting type , literature review class and digital resources .

  15. 论文最后论述了《诺皋记》、《支诺皋》故事的嬗变,着重分析了其对《夷坚志》和《聊斋志异》创作上的影响。

    At the end of the paper discussed the evolution of stories in Nuo Gao Ji and Zhi Nuo Gao , mainly analyzed the influence of creating on Yi Jian Zhi and Liao Zhai Zhi Yi .