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环水 [huán shuǐ]
  • [waterlocked] 几乎被水包围的

  • 环水的陆岬

  1. H型钢净环水系统水质稳定方案的实施与探讨

    Implementation and Discussion of Stable Water Quality Plan for Clean Circulation Water System of the H-Steel

  2. 为提高热轧浊环水过滤性能,选择了一种助滤剂CAP。

    An industrial residue CAP was selected as filter aid to improve the capability of the equipment .

  3. 转炉OG浊环水系统水质稳定的研究

    A Study on the Stability of Water Quality in Converter OG System

  4. 介绍了马钢股份公司H型钢厂净环水系统水处理水质稳定配方筛选试验和配方现场成功应用。

    The prescription tests of stable water quality and the successful op - eration in situ for clean circulation water system of the H-Steel Works of Maan - shan Iron & Steel Co. are presented .

  5. 结果表明,Mannich反应在二氧六环水溶液均相介质中进行,可明显提高反应效率;

    The experiments showed that the Mannich reaction in dioxane aqueous solution could improve the reaction efficiency obviously .

  6. 攀钢炼钢厂提钒转炉浊环水水质稳定研究

    The research on stabilizing the muddy recycled water quality of BOF

  7. 热轧浊环水处理设备的研究

    Study on the Equipment for the Treatment of the Turbid Circulating Water

  8. 转炉烟气净化浊环水处理的研究

    Researches on Treatment of Circulation Water for Purifying Converter Fume

  9. 高速线材净环水系统改造

    Modification of purified recirculating water system of high-speed wire rod

  10. 太钢热连轧浊环水化学稳定的研究

    Study of Chemistry Stability of Circulating Sewage in Heat Continuous Steel Rolling

  11. 炼钢连铸浊环水处理技术应用探析

    Analysis on Treatment Technology of Circulating Water of the Continuous Casting System

  12. 它像一个三面环水的巨大帆船。

    It 's like a sailing boat with water on three sides .

  13. 关于化学法处理热轧厂浊环水的探讨

    Regarding Chemical Treatment of Hot-rolled Plant Muddy Water of Central

  14. 三面环水又是一种别样风情。

    Surrounded on three sides by water and is a different style .

  15. 热轧车间浊环水的处理

    Treatment for the turbid circulating water in hot-rolled workshop

  16. 湘钢棒材厂浊环水的处理技术研讨

    Discussion on turbid circular water disposal technology in Rod Factory Xiangtan Steel Company

  17. 采用滤饼过滤技术处理含油轧钢浊环水的应用试验

    Filtering Cake Experiment on Oil Contained Circulated Water Treatment in Steel Rolling Mill

  18. 因为马尔代夫环水,我想我会吃些海鲜,海鲜会是个不错的选择。

    I think I will have some seafood since Maldives is surrounded by water .

  19. 转炉除尘浊环水系统的改造

    Transformation of Converter Dedusting Circulation Sewage System

  20. 白垢水电站水下拦污栅改造方案比选选矿浊环水水质净化及阻垢技术研究

    Research on the water purification and scale inhibiting techniques of turbid circulating water in ore-dressing

  21. 连铸和热轧浊环水处理系统的改进措施

    Improvement Path on the Sewage Circulating Water Treatment System of the Continous Casting and Hot Rolling

  22. 马丁那时的世界只有五个街区大小,三面环水。

    George 's world was made up of just five blocks , bounded by the water .

  23. 风景区依山面湖,山环水抱,自然风光得天独厚。

    The mountain lake scenic area , surface mount ring water embrace , natural scenery advantageous .

  24. 酒钢高炉煤气洗涤浊环水的水质稳定

    Stability of Water Quality of Blast Furnace Gas Washing Circulating Sewage of Jiuquan Iron and Steel Company

  25. 用自清洗袋式过滤机处理含油轧钢污环水的研究

    Application of self-cleaning bag type filters for oil-containing recirculating cooling water treatment in Anshan Iron and Steel Company

  26. 加强风景名胜区施工管理,防止造成重大环水保恶性案件。

    Reinforce the management of landscape and famous scenery construction to avoid serious environment & water protection cases .

  27. 提高高炉净环水浓缩倍数的缓蚀阻垢试验研究

    Experimental research on water quality stability to increase the cycles of concentration of blast furnace clean circulating cooling water

  28. 信钢连铸浊环水系统高速砂滤器改造为核桃壳过滤器的实践

    Modification of high - speed sand filter into walnut parting filter in waste water recirculating system at Xinyang Steel

  29. 我目前着迷的建筑是环水而立的水门大厦,透过我楼上书房的窗子就能看到它。

    My current preoccupation the curved buildings of the Watergate complex can be seen through the window of my upstairs study .

  30. 这里地势低洼,三面环水,在2005年的卡特里娜飓风时被洪水毁坏。

    The low-lying area was surrounded by water on three sides that was devastated by flooding during Hurricane Katrina in 2005 .