
  • 网络center pillar;B-pillar
  1. 在本文的最后,分析了拼焊板零件的一个实例。这个零件是某轿车的中立柱加强件,应用eta/Dynaform进行了分析,设计了合理模具,减少了试模时间。

    At last , a real TWB part , the center pillar of car door was simulated by eta / Dynaform and according to its simulation results designed the die .

  2. 通过对某型轿车激光拼焊板中立柱,进行冲压成形性能研究,分析了创建冲压模具型面的一般步骤及注意事项,预测到了该零件在冲压成形过程中容易发生的缺陷问题。

    Do some researches on the stamping properties of the laser TWBs center pillar of a car , analyze the usual steps and some attentions of establishing the stamping die surface , and have predicted the defects which easily come out of the stamping process .

  3. 基于PLC的中立柱喷胶机器人系统设计

    The design of spray-glue robot system for SANTANA brace based on PLC

  4. 单元幕墙中立柱计算模型的比较与分析

    Comparing and analysis on calculating mode of erected pillar in cell walls

  5. 软土区深基坑施工中立柱桩的研究

    Study on Erect Column in Deep Foundation Pit Engineering in Soft Soil Area

  6. 轿车侧围外板中立柱的工艺改进

    Technical Improvement of Body Side OTR of Car

  7. 在液压支架中立柱是作为主要的执行机构,是液压系统中的最后一个环节。

    As the main executive body in the hydraulic support , it is the last link of the hydraulic system .

  8. 详细介绍了拉深筋的设置方法及原则,并通过设置合适的拉深筋,使轿车中立柱零件的冲压成形结果得到改善。

    Describe the methods and principles of setting draw beads in detail , and through setting the suitable draw beads , the stamping result of the part has improved .

  9. 南辛排灌站工程投入运行不久,发现水泵梁、电机梁和中立柱等结构多处出现裂缝。

    As soon as the Nanxin Irrigation and Drainage Pumping Station is put into operation , the cracks appear on the pump beams , motor beams and the middle columns .

  10. 叙述了中立柱外板的零件结构及工艺分析,介绍了修边冲孔斜楔冲孔模的结构及其特点,阐述了双斜楔与滑块的运动关系。

    The paper narrates parts structure and technology for PLR CTR OTR , introduces structure and character of TR PI CAM PI die , at last also analyzes kinetic relationship between double wedge and slide block .

  11. 超深基坑在逆作法开挖过程中立柱的受力和变形异常复杂,而立柱之间的差异竖向位移过大会对作为永久结构的水平梁板体系产生不利的影响。

    The bearing capacity and deformation of pillars in super-deep foundation pit under Top-Down Construction Method are very complicated . And if the differential vertical displacement between pillars is too large , it will exert an adverse impact on horizontal team-slab structure which is taken as permanent construction .

  12. 地基中护栏立柱的有限元模型

    Finite Element Modeling of a Guardrail Post Mounted in Soil

  13. 在基坑工程中,立柱桩和工程桩形成了长短桩复合桩基础。

    The affection of pile-sinking construction in soft soil to the excavation of succeeding foundation ;

  14. 计算中只用立柱的三个形常数β、γ及δ,方法简单,易于掌握。

    A simple method is presented in which only three geometrical constants β,γ and δ of the columns are used in calculation .

  15. 结合沈抚高速公路的建设实践,分析影响立柱外观的因素,探讨如何在施工中对立柱的外观质量进行有效控制。

    The paper analyzes factors affecting the appearance quality of leg piece , and makes an approach on effective control of appearance quality of leg piece in construction .

  16. 本文概述了运木船的木材甲板货绑扎系统的定义和基本要素,并对该系统中的立柱,尤其是活动立柱的结构和布置提出了一些看法和意见。

    The article described the definition and the essential factor in the deck timber securing system , and presented the author 's viewpoints on the structure and arrangement of the protable upright in the system .

  17. 螺栓的强度不宜过大,以便在事故中没有随立柱一起向地面倒伏时就能失效以保证护栏板与立柱的及时分离,保证护栏整体高度不会降低。

    Intensity of bolt should not be too big , in order to fail before guardrail board fall to ground with posts .

  18. 改造中拆除包括立柱或立墙、腹拱圈、侧墙以及拱上填料、桥面板等全部拱上建筑,仅保留由拱肋、拱波、拱板及横向联系等四种构件组成的主拱圈。

    When maintained , some buildings above main arch ring such as standing pillar or wall , arch circle , side wall would be removed , only reserving main arch ring composed of stomach arch rib , arch wave , arch board and horizontal contact .

  19. 在海洋石油平台应用项目中,在单立柱平台底部安装了光纤光栅应变及温度传感器,用于平台的结构健康监测。

    The FBG sensors including strain and temperature sensor , also were applied to the health monitoring of the oil production offshore platforms .

  20. 结合现有附加装置结构设计中存在的主要问题,应用结构优化设计的数学模型和求解方法进行了附加装置中立柱和支臂的优化计算。

    Combined with the problem of the added equipment , numerical simulation to the arm and the stand of the added equipment with the augmented lagrangian method of NASTRAN software is done in this paper .