
  1. 本文介绍在复盐法生产钨酸中用机械活化浸取工艺代替碱煮浸取工艺的新方法。

    This paper introduces the digestion technology of mechanical activation in lieu of that of alkali boiling for manufacturing tungstic acid .

  2. 为了简化分析,分析中用的机械手是在一个平面上由两个转动关节和硬连杆组成的。

    The manipulator considered for this analysis is a planar one with two revolute joints and rigid links which simplifies the analysis .

  3. 只有一只声音嘶哑的芦雀,在河边的树丛中用悲伤机械的音调向她打招呼,就像一个已经没有了友谊的从前的朋友向她打招呼的声音一样。

    Only a solitary cracked-voiced reed-sparrow greeted her from the bushes by the river , in a sad , machine-made tone , resembling that of a past friend whose friendship she had outworn .

  4. 高土石坝的建设周期、工程造价等问题都与施工机械化程度有着密切关系。要提高施工机械化的水平,必须把传统工艺中人力施工部分用机械施工来代替。

    The construction period and cost of a high embankment dam de - pends largely on the level of mechanization of construction .

  5. 在农场中,通常不能用机械击晕;因此,最好用一支22口径的步枪来完成。

    On the farm a mechanical stunner is usually not available ; therefore , stunning is best accomplished with a well-directed long or long rifle bullet from a 22 - caliber rifle .

  6. 然而在实际使用中,在用农业机械技术状态的恶化不仅直接影响农业机械作业的效率和效益,还会造成能源浪费和环境污染。

    In the actual use , however , the deteriorating condition of the being-used farm machinery technology not only influenced the work efficiency and the benefit of farm machinery directly , but also led to the waste of energy and the environmental pollution .

  7. 在抑制变形的成型技术中所采用的注射压缩成型方法中,用机械的方法对熔融塑料均匀加压以减小塑件的变形及残余应力。

    In the injection compression molding used in the technique of deformation restrained molding , the melt plastic is uniformly compressed mechanically to reduce the deformation and residual stress in plastic elements .