
zhōnɡ ɡuó wǎnɡ qiú xié huì
  • Chinese Tennis Association;CTA;Tennis Association of China
  1. 中国网球协会,孙晋芳女士-感谢你们为中国网球事业做出的开拓性的贡献。

    Madame Sun and the Chinese Tennis Association - thank you for being trailblazers for tennis in China .

  2. 这些球员还被允许保留更多奖金,交给中国网球协会的金额比例从65%减到12%。

    They were also allowed to keep more of their winnings , with the proportion remitted to the Chinese Tennis Association reduced from 65 per cent to 12 per cent .

  3. 中国网球协会(CTA)副主席孙晋芳向官方媒体表示,网球仍被视为一项精英运动,在年轻人当中的受欢迎程度比不上篮球、足球和乒乓球。

    China Tennis Association head Sun Jinfang told state media that the sport is still considered an elite game that lags behind basketball , soccer and table tennis in its popularity among young people .

  4. 比格文化传播有限公司很荣幸可以成为中国网球协会以及ITF的承办方来运营这次的戴维斯杯的比赛。

    It is without a doubt a tremendous privilege honor for our company , Beijing International Group , to be the management group for the China Tennis Association ITF for Davis Cup in China .

  5. 中国网球协会将于近日宣布主办城市。

    The China Tennis Association will be announcing soon the host city .

  6. 由中国网球协会主办,北京比格文化传播有限公司全程运营的2011梅赛德斯-奔驰“明日之星”国际训练营教练阵容最终敲定。

    The CTA & BIG formally announced the international coach lineup for the2011 Mercedes-Benz " Swing for the Stars " Junior Tennis Development Program .

  7. 中国网球协会官方项目青少年网球发展项目及大学项目也将在新的一年中为更多网球爱好者们带来新契机;

    CTA junior , school and university programs continue to be recognized as the best in China and are offering new opportunities for future generations .

  8. “青春网球校园行”作为中国网球协会的官方大学网球发展项目,由梅赛德斯-奔驰、登路普以及网球俱乐部杂志赞助。

    " University Tennis Promotion ", the official university development program of the China Tennis Association , is sponsored by Mercedes-Benz , Dunlop and Tennis Club Magazine .

  9. 为此中国网球协会推出了短式网球校园工程计划,从2000年开始,利用十年时间,在全国大中城市的2万所小学,5000个居民社区普及推广短式网球。

    Therefore the Chinese Tennis Association has promoted " the short tennis campus project " it is planed that start from 2000 , popularized short tennis in big or media-sized cities ' 20,000 elementary schools , 5000 resident communities in ten years .