
  • 网络The Chinese Bronzes;CHINESE BRONZE WARE
  1. 中国青铜器装饰艺术的审美分析

    Our country bronzeware decoration art esthetic analysis

  2. 服装上还印上、织上或缝上中国青铜器的图案。

    Chinese bronze is another source of printed , woven , and embroidered design for clothes .

  3. 印度青铜器与中国青铜器

    Indian and Chinese Bronze Vessels

  4. 虽然该博物馆收藏的佛教艺术品和中国青铜器很有趣,但我印象最深刻的是博物馆后面的一个花木茂盛的花园。

    While the Nezu 's collection of Buddhist art and Chinese bronzes was interesting , I was most impressed with the lush garden out back .

  5. 美国著名学者艾兰以其在甲骨文和中国青铜器领域突出的研究成果,一跃而成为当代国际汉学界有影响的汉学家,国内学界对其在汉学研究领域作出的贡献给予很高的评价。

    The famous American scholar , Sarah Allan , has been a contemporary influential sinologist in the world because of her great achievements on the study of Oracle Bones and Bronzes . The researchers in China have given high praise to her achievements in sinology .

  6. 晚商至周初是中国青铜器发展的第一个高峰时期,此时四瓣花纹出现在青铜器上,反映了当时人们对自然界花卉的细致观察和高超的工艺水平。

    During the late Shang and the early Zhou Dynasty as well , the development of Chinese Bronze reached its first high peak . At this time , the four-petals pattern appeared in bronze , which reflected our ancestors ' careful observation on flowers and their sophisticated handicraft level .

  7. 中国古代青铜器分别起源于西北地区和中原地区,青铜时代开始于公元前2000年前后。

    The Bronze Age of China began in about 2000 BC .

  8. 对中国古代青铜器艺术发展的思考

    Reflections on the Development of the Chinese Ancient Art of Bronze Wares

  9. 在这里呢,您能看到中国古代青铜器中的代表。

    Here , you can see various exemplary bronze objects of ancient China .

  10. 前言:中国古代青铜器是“青铜文化”的重要组成部分。

    The ancient Chinese bronze casting is the important part of ancient Chinese bronze culture .

  11. 中国古代青铜器使用的突出特点是作为礼器在当时社会的政治生活中起着非常重要的作用。

    CHINESE GEMS - BRONZE WARE The peculiarity of using ancient bronze sacrificial ware is very important in noble 's political life .

  12. 这座世纪宝鼎,集中国古代青铜器艺术之大成,熔古代技艺与现在科技与一炉。

    Baoding this century , the collection of ancient Chinese bronze art Dacheng , with the melting of ancient art and technology is a furnace .

  13. 印度微型画的市场和意大利釉彩陶器、中国古代青铜器以及各种1900年之前物品的市场一样,购买者要比国际当代艺术的购买者少得多。

    The market for Indian miniatures , like that for Italian maiolica , archaic Chinese bronzes and almost everything made before 1900 , has a far smaller client base than that for international contemporary art .

  14. 中国经历了青铜器时期。

    China witnessed a bronze age .

  15. 中国北方系青铜器的研究通过学者们的不懈努力,取得了很大的进步,已经逐渐向深度和广度发展。

    With the great efforts of the scholars , the research of northern bronzeware in China has made enormous progress , and it develops with great depth and breadth .

  16. 山西商周鸟装饰青铜器是中国乃至世界青铜器装饰艺术中独具特色的一支。其精品迭出,器形丰富:多见卣、尊、鉴、壶等。

    Bird adornment of Shanxi bronze is unique ; The products are rich and the shape of them were abundant : there were You , Zun , Jian , Hu and so on .

  17. 中国古代文明与青铜器的发展

    Development of the Ancient Chinese Civilization and Ancient Bronze

  18. 早在三千六百多年前,中国就已经有青铜器了。

    As early as3,600 years ago , bronze objects were already made in China .

  19. 这一次,中国拒绝买回这些青铜器,而是主张它们应当返还,因为它们是非法拿走的。

    This time , China has refused to buy the bronzes back but argues they should be returned because they were taken illegally .

  20. 他的家人将于今年12月16日在巴黎苏富比拍卖他的最后一批藏品,包括56件中国古玉和青铜器。

    The family will offer a final residue of about 56 lots of archaic Chinese jades and bronzes at Sotheby 's in Paris on Dec. 16 .

  21. 今藏于中国历史博物馆的大盂鼎(theGreatDingforYu)是中国青铜器时代的代表性作品之一。

    A representative example is the Great Ding for Yu , which is now preserved in the Museum of Chinese History .