
shānɡ wánɡ
  • the kings of the Shang dynasty
  1. 自从傅说在这里遇到商王武丁之后,他们俩便成了好朋友。

    After Fu Yue met King Wuding of the Shang Dynasty , they became close friends .

  2. 但是由于商代资料有限及解读难度大等原因,商王婚姻研究存在不少薄弱环节。

    However , due to the limited information and other reasons , the research of marriage has many weak links .

  3. 商王和宰相都住过这里,这里一定是一块风水宝地。

    Since a king and a prime minister once lived here , it must be a place with auspicious geomantic omens .

  4. 据考古专家考证,商王铸造这尊司母戊大方鼎是为了纪念自己的母亲。

    According to the archeologists , the King of the Shang Dynasty had the Simuwu Rectangle Ding made to commemorate his mother .

  5. 妇好,她是商王武丁的妻子,是中国历史上有文字记载的第一位女将军。

    Fu Hao , the wife of King Wuding of the Shang Dynasty , in Chinese written history , was the first woman general .

  6. 在商王国内,实行的是独具特色的内外服的国家结构形式。

    In Shang kingdom , what carry out was the national configuration of " internal and external different levels management " of only characteristic .

  7. 令后世不可思议的王权罢免现象,也反映了商王继统法的选举制性质。商代继统法是原始公社选举制发展到周代嫡庶制的过渡阶段,前期承前,后期启后。

    The throne succession rule of Shang Dynasty is the transition between the election system of primitive commune and close descent system of Zhou Dynasty .

  8. 在他的经营下,周族实力越发强大,但他也因此遭到商王的囚禁,后逃脱。

    In his business , the strength of Zhou clan was more powerful , and he was imprisoned by the King of Shang Dynasty , but then he escaped .

  9. 据甲骨文记载商王编军队为左、中、右三师,士兵主要由平民组成,有时也有奴隶。

    Oracle-bone inscriptions stated that the king had set up three army units - the right , the center and the left . Solders were mainly commoners , sometimes including slaves .

  10. 中国国家博物馆近期收藏的青铜器作册般鼋上的铭文反映了商王进行射礼的事实,而不是记载普通的田猎。

    The inscriptions on the bronze shaped like tortoise collected by Chinese National Museum recently is not the records of ordinary hunting , but the archery rites in the late Shang dynasty .

  11. 这些封国主要分布在今河南省中北部、山西省中南部和商王畿的东南部;

    These states were mainly distributed over today 's centre-north part of Henan and centre-south part of Shanxi and the south-east part of the nearby area of the capital of the Shang Dynasty .

  12. 从甲骨数量之多及所刻文字的内容可以断定,商王即使是微小细节的行为举动都要由卜辞来决定。

    Judging by the great abundance of these bones and the contents of the inscriptions , it is quite definite that oracles regulated even the minute details of the conduct of the king .

  13. 商王的统治仅仅限于狭小的中央地带,四周及边缘地区是王室诸子及各族的领地,中央集权还没有形成。

    The rule of king was confined to the narrow central land , the around areas and peripheries were manors of royal members and clans . The centralized-power had not come into being .

  14. 商王是最高统治者,独揽大权;王之下设相,是百官之长,辅佐商王以统治全国;

    The king of the Shang Dynasty was the imperator , arrogating all powers to himself ; under him was the minister , the head of all officials , assisting the king to rule the country .

  15. 姬昌是商朝的诸侯,被商王帝辛敕封为西伯侯。

    King Wen ( Ji Chang ) , the ruler of the Zhou , who was a Shang vassal , was given the title " Count of the West " by the king Di Xin of Shang .

  16. 第一等级为商王或地方首领的墓葬,规格最高,都使用有木棺和木椁,木质棺椁装饰复杂。

    The first grade tombs are used for the Shang kings or local chiefs , their specification is the highest , they all use wooden coffins and outer coffins , wooden coffins and outer coffins have complex decorated .

  17. 疟疾流行不仅是促使商王盘庚迁殷的直接原因,也是当时长江流域落后于黄河流域的重要原因;

    The pressure of malaria was a direct cause of Pan Geng 's moving the capital from Qufu of Shandong to Anyang of Henan and a important cause of the Yangtze River Valley 's falling behind the Yellow River Valley in socio economic respect .

  18. 商后期王畿行政区划研究

    A Study on Regionalizations of the Wang Ji in Late Shang Dynasty

  19. 祖甲也不是淫逸之君,而是一位推行改革,有功于商王朝的贤王。

    King Zujia was an wise king , who promoted reform and contributed to Shang dynasty , rather than a wild and greedy king .

  20. 殷卜辞反映出举族与商王室同姓,常受商王之命从事农稼、田猎、征伐活动。

    The oracle inscriptions of the Yin Dynasty on tortoise shells or animal bones reflected that the Ju clan and Shang royal family used the same family name .

  21. 商王朝是一个由商王直接统治的王畿和臣服的方国共同组成的奴隶制国家政治统一体。

    Shang Dynasty was a slavery political entity which consisted of the directly-ruled district in and around the royal capital by the king and the subject nations-Fang Guo .