
  • Merchant;Business;POS;businessman
商户 [shāng hù]
  • [businessman] 即商人

  1. 我可以开一个VI设计公司信用卡商户解释我?

    Can I open a credit card merchant account for my offshore company ?

  2. 通过申请商户账号来减低Paypal费用。

    Reduce Paypal fees by applying for a merchant account .

  3. 这两家公司已经警告交易链中的所有各方,即商户、网络、银行,如果它们在2015年10月前没能遵守EMV标准,最不符合标准的一方将承担欺诈风险。

    The two firms have warned all parties in the transaction chainmerchant , network , bank — that if they don 't become EMV-compliant by October 2015 , the party that is least compliant will bear the fraud risk .

  4. 例如,PayPal正在测试一款应用程序,它可以让你使用手机在本地商户进行即时支付,而不必提供任何银行卡信息。

    PayPal , for instance , is testing an app that lets you use your mobile phone to pay on the fly at local merchants — without surrendering any card information to them .

  5. 摩根大通首席执行官杰米•戴蒙最近表示愿意这样做,他指出,过去10年来,银行和商户一直在就交换费(它们所持有的交易价格的百分比)相互起诉,而没有处理日益严重的黑客问题。

    JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon recently expressed his willingness to do so , noting that banks and merchants have spent the past decade suing each other over interchange fees — the percentage of the transaction price they keep — rather than deal with the growing hacking problem .

  6. 曾经对信用卡嗤之以鼻的商户们现在纷纷开始使用读卡器。这些数据来自自动取款机运营商LINK,他们补充道,对2000名购物者的一项调查中,超过四分之三的购物者表示新冠病毒会影响他们未来对现金的使用。

    Traders who used to turn up their noses at plastic are bringing out their card readers . The figures come from the cash machine network LINK , which adds that in a survey of 2000 shoppers , more than three quarters said the virus would affect their future use of cash .

  7. 这个经常举办集市的小镇位于英格兰维尔特郡,现在,这里的20多家商户都可以免费为你的水瓶续满水。

    In this Wiltshire market town , more than 20 businesses will now top up your water bottle for free .

  8. 虽然环境保护主义者们对此感到高兴,但一些业界人士担心其价格费用,因为商户可能会被要求为安装和运行押金退还项目掏腰包。

    Environmentalists are delighted but some industry figures may be worried about the price tag because business could be asked to pick up the bill for installing and running the deposit return scheme .

  9. 这实质上是在向小型商户提供产出管理(yieldmanagement)及某种动态定价系统(dynamicpricing)。

    You essentially offer the small business yield management and somewhat dynamic pricing .

  10. 这些商户因此已经禁用了支持Applepay的技术。

    So those businesses have disabled the technology that supports Apple Pay .

  11. 如果商户继续拒绝Applepay,还有可能招致顾客的怨恨。

    Merchants also risk customer resentment if they continue to refuse Apple Pay .

  12. 我们将Stand视为吸引另一类商户的一种途径。

    We see this is as another door we opened to another class of merchants .

  13. 适用于中小商户及家庭应用Internet的ADSL技术的研究

    The Study of ADSL Technology of Internet in Small Company and Home Use

  14. 该方案是对3-DSecure协议的改造,即将3-9Secure协议中的商户服务器插件(MPI)和收单行统一到第三方平台中。

    The scheme is based on 3-D Secure protocol .

  15. Stand是一颗摇钱树,还是吸引更多商户加入Square支付生态系统的一个工具?

    Is stand meant to be a profit center , or is it a tool to get more merchants into the square payment ecosystem ?

  16. Slice目前可免费使用,但将来,它有可能向会员商户提供目标交易或者的部分信息。

    Slice is free but may offer targeted deals or limited information to affiliate merchants in the future .

  17. 持有吉祥VIP贵宾卡,您可以在天津很多商户享受优惠待遇。

    If you have a VIP card , you can get discount in several merchants in Tianjin .

  18. Crane所做的正是禁烟支持者对所有商户要求,尽管还没有制定出执行的规则以及明确的处罚方法。

    Crane is doing what smoking-ban advocates want all businesses to do , even though the state hasn 't set enforcement rules or specific fines .

  19. 克里森说:几乎所有使用Stripe服务的商户如今都有来自法国或德国的客户。

    Almost any business using Stripe today , they are selling to people in France or Germany , Collison said .

  20. 在全世界范围内提供店内和在线支付设备的Ingenico,已经允许商户接受使用ApplePay和AndroidPay等其他电子钱包app完成交易。

    Ingenico , which provides in-store and online payments facilities throughout the world , already allows merchants to accept transactions with other e-wallet apps such as Apple Pay and Android Pay .

  21. Applepay是一周前推出的,自那以后有消费者试图在RiteAid和CVS等MCX会员商户使用它。

    Since Apple Pay was introduced a week ago , consumers have tried to use it in MCX members like Rite Aid and CVS .

  22. 其中的淘宝类似eBay,它为小商户提供了一个交易市场。而天猫则为包括GapInc.在内的品牌零售商提供网上店面。

    Taobao is an eBay-like marketplace for small merchants , while Tmall hosts online storefronts for retailers including brands such as Gap Inc. ( GPS ) .

  23. 这项法案将对年营收不足100万美元的零售商实行免税,这类企业涵盖了eBay的多数商户。

    The bill would exempt retailers with less than $ 1 million in annual revenue , which would include most eBay merchants .

  24. 哈洛德百货公司(Harrods)的一个商户买主就没有那么挑剔了。

    An enterprising buyer at Harrods was not so picky .

  25. 不过,针对中小型商户和个人商户的淘宝(Taobao)则是免费使用。

    But Taobao , the site where small business and private individuals go to sell their wares , is free to use .

  26. 与此同时,代表梅费尔区(Mayfair)数十家商户的邦德街协会(BondStreetAssociation)参与了由ChinaEdge组织的一系列“为中国做好准备”研讨会,以帮助零售商们提供令中国消费者宾至如归的奢侈品购物体验。

    Meanwhile , the Bond Street Association , representing dozens of Mayfair businesses , has signed up to a " China-ready " workshop series devised by China Edge to help retailers offer Chinese-friendly luxury shopping .

  27. 之后,他在CEO致股东的一封信中,又说出了下面这样极端不合时宜的话:“我们只关心客户和商户。”

    Then , in what must be one of the most irreverent lines in a CEO letter to shareholders , " our customers and merchants are all we care about . "

  28. 比如,易趣拥有在线支付服务贝宝(PayPal),这项服务使得小商户可以接受信用卡支付。

    EBay Inc , for example , owns online payment service PayPal that helps small vendors accept credit card payments .

  29. 腾讯表示,境外商户拥有经营许可证以及独立网站或APP即可申请加入微信支付生态系统。

    The social networking giant said foreign stores can apply to be part of its WeChat payment ecosystem as long as they have a trading license and website or an application .

  30. 在B2C模式下,B端商户为满足消费者支付多样性需求,倾向于提供在线支付方式,而出于成本的考虑将选择与第三方支付平台相连。

    Under B2C e-commerce schema , B_kind customers prefer to provide online payment to meet the diverse payment demands of their consumers , and they will link to third-party payment platform for cost consideration .