
  • 网络commercial film
  1. IMAX银幕体积庞大,造价昂贵,原本一直是个小众市场,只有几个特殊影院才有,而且多为放映纪录片。因此,好莱坞(Hollywood)电影公司曾一直不愿发行IMAX商业影片。

    Bulky and expensive , IMAX remained a niche market , mostly for documentaries in a few special theaters , making Hollywood studios unwilling to release commercial features with the format .

  2. 在充斥着主流商业影片的时代,非主流动画艺术家往往能给我们带来层出不穷的惊喜。

    In full mainstream business film era , non-mainstream animation artists often brings us endless surprise .

  3. 只要将技术与资源善加融合,中国电影就能够有力抵御外来商业影片的文化与市场侵袭,在走向国际化发展的同时,也获得经济与艺术的丰收。

    If the technology and resources are integrated successfully , Chinese films can effectively resist the market invasion from foreign commercial films , in the move towards its international development , as well as its economic and artistic success .

  4. 在底层形象的刻画和故事情节的构建等方面,受消费文化影响的影片依然在套用着商业影片的叙事策略,没有达到底层叙事应有的艺术高度。

    At the bottom of the image of the depiction and construction of the plot of the story , the films influenced by the consumption culture are still applying the narrative strategies the same as commercial films . They do not reach the art height of the under-stratum narration .

  5. 这样一来,我们必须将一些商业元素掺进影片中。

    So , we had to add some commercial elements into this film .

  6. 令人惊讶的是,几乎所有反映商业社会的娱乐影片都着重刻画了商业的阴暗面。

    It is surprising that almost all the entertaining movies about business focus on its dark side .

  7. 如果《赵氏孤儿》的表现不够出众,那么它将成为越来越多的一批未能吸引西方观众或是未在海外获得商业成功的中国影片之一。

    If it doesn 't shine , ' Sacrifice ' will join a growing procession of Chinese films that failed to engage Western audiences or gain overseas commercial success .

  8. 她写道:“超级英雄电影和大制作商业电影在上映影片中占据主导地位,女演员能带来高票房收入的机会更少,因而男演员收入较高,或者可以在系列续集作品中强势地争取有利的片酬。”

    She wrote : " In release schedules dominated by superhero movies and brawny blockbusters , there are simply fewer parts for women that pay the sizeable backend profits that result in leading men 's large paydays , or the franchise sequels that permit aggressive negotiation for favorable deals . "