
  1. 诺基亚仍然有世界上最好的商务手机。

    Nokia still have the best business phones in the world .

  2. 商务手机计划,可以节省贵公司的万吨以上的钱的过程中的一年。

    Business cell phone plans can save your company tons of money over the course of a year .

  3. 文章分析了电子商务中手机支付的工作原理、手机支付中数据的加密传输过程,最后提出将SET协议模型引入到当前手机支付中进行数据加密。

    This paper , after analyzing the working principle of payment by mobile phone in E-Commerce and the data encrypting process , suggests that SEI model could be adopted for safer date encrypting .

  4. 移动电子商务在手机SIM卡中的应用

    Mobile E - Commerce Applications of SIM Card On Cellular Phone

  5. 不过,这款新型iPhone手机未能解决的问题,使其还不能算是一部理想的商务型手机。

    Yet the new iPhone 's failure to address other issues make it less than an ideal device for business .

  6. 移动电子商务&手机钱包实现方案的研究

    Mobile Electronic Commerce & Study on the Implementation Project of the Mobile Wallet

  7. “移动商务”指通过手机和平板电脑等无线接入设备完成商品和服务买卖的流程。

    M-commerce ( mobile commerce ) is the buying and selling of goods and services through wireless1 handheld devices such as cell phone and tablets .

  8. 随着3G时代的到来,移动电子商务的发展,手机不在仅仅局限于语音和短信功能。

    As the 3G era , the development of mobile e-commerce , mobile phones are not just limited to voice and messaging .

  9. LTE频率的改进则让iPhone5c能够在更多国家的4G网络中使用,这对经常出差旅行需要手机漫游的人来说非常棒,但我感觉商务人士并非这款手机的目标市场。

    There are the improved LTE frequencies that allow an iPhone 5c to work in more countries on 4G . That 's great for the frequent traveller who is looking to roam , but I get the feeling that 's not the target market for this handset .

  10. 根据便利旅游公司(Expedia)的研究,虽然大部分商务旅行者拥有智能手机,但是只有78%的人用手机规划旅行,公司政策仍让商旅员工很难使用当今技术,很难把自己的旅行管理手段与公司的程序结合起来。

    But while most business travelers have a smartphone and , according to a study by Expedia , 78 percent of them have used it in some travel-planning capacity , corporations still make it hard for their traveling employees to use current technology and integrate their own travel management tools with company programs .

  11. 过去的几个月来,诺基亚的竞争者,包括加拿大的RIM和索尼爱立信,都引入了新商务机型,加剧了商务手机领域的竞争。

    Over the last few months , Nokia 's rivals , including Canada 's RIM and Sony Ericsson , have introduced new models for business users , intensifying competition in the sector .