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  1. 迄今为止,中国发现了38人感染H5N1禽流感,其中25人已经死亡。

    To date , China has identified H5N1 bird flu in38 people , 25 of whom have died .

  2. 欧盟(EU)和中国发现,无论是大宗商品价格还是汇率,无论是核不扩散还是气候变化,近来在几乎所有经济问题或国际安全问题上,双方的利益无不彼此交织&有时还会发生碰撞。

    Whether it is commodity prices or exchange rates , nuclear non-proliferation or climate change , the European Union and China are discovering that there is virtually no economic topic or international security issue these days on which their interests do not intersect – and sometimes collide .

  3. 这些照片采用的都是cibachromes,极有光泽的彩色图像很好地表现了阿诺德在中国发现的那种天真无邪、华而不实的色彩。

    The pictures here are cibachromes , ultra glossy colour images which represent very well the naively gaudy colours that Arnold found in China .

  4. 中国发现新的茶叶资源&可可茶

    A Discovery of New Tea Resource Cocoa Tea Tree Containing Theobromine from China

  5. 粘菌素抵抗2015年末首次在中国发现。

    Colistin resistance was first discovered in China at the end of 2015 .

  6. 《1421年:中国发现了世界》写作缘起及郑和环球航海新证据

    A Summary of China Discovered the World in 1421

  7. 这是到目前为止在中国发现的最大的开林型黄金矿床。

    This is the largest Carlin gold deposit discovered in China so far .

  8. 几年前,人们在中国发现了一个大盐矿。

    A few years ago , people found a big salt mine in China .

  9. 中国发现东方雪人

    ' Oriental yeti ' discovered in China

  10. 她是几年前在中国发现化石的科学家之一。

    She was one of the scientists who found the fossil in China several years ago .

  11. 中国发现澳洲长尾小鹦鹉幼雏病朱鹮幼雏大肠杆菌病的病理组织学观察

    Budgerigar Fledgling Disease Occurred in China The Histopathological Observations of Young Crested Ibis Infected with Escherichia coli

  12. 它也是在中国发现最早的表现“龙”和发现玉器制件的文化遗址。

    It is the earliest archeological culture in China to feature jade artifacts and to depict dragons .

  13. 中国发现始祖鸟化石

    China discovers archaeopteryx fossils

  14. 在中国发现的引起酵米面中毒的病原菌是一种不引起葡萄糖发酵的革兰氏阴性黄色杆菌。

    The pathogenic bacteria causing fermented-cornflour food poisoning in China is a kind of glucose-nonfermenting Gram negative , yellowish pigmentedbacillus .

  15. 在去年12月的哥本哈根气候变化大会上,中国发现自己在很多场合都被贴上了“恶人”的标签。

    At the Copenhagen climate change conference in December , China found itself labelled in many quarters as the villain .

  16. 具有讽刺意味的是,中国发现道路的浪漫之时,西方人似乎正失去这种感觉。

    The irony is that China is discovering the romance of the road just as Westerners seem to have lost it .

  17. 然而现在,中国发现在日本需要时给予援助能达到扩大影响的目的。

    Now , China might find that aiding Japan in its time of need could finally bring it the influence it needs .

  18. 例如,根据一窝在中国发现且有6700万年历史的恐龙蛋来看,窃蛋龙的蛋的颜色是一种舒缓的蓝绿色。

    Oviraptor eggs , for example , were a soothing greenish-blue , according to a 67-million-year-old clutch of eggs found in China .

  19. 汽车制造企业已在中国发现一种情况:即与富裕程度类似的其它国家相比,中国许多消费者对体积较大、外表光鲜的汽车更感兴趣。

    Car companies have found in China that many consumers are more interested in large , flashy cars than other countries of similar wealth .

  20. 中国发现,它需要在吸引外国投资者以重组其缺乏活力的国有企业,与支持强大的本土企业做大做强之间进行权衡。

    China is finding that it needs to balance attracting foreign investors to restructure its sluggish SOEs with championing the development of strong domestic companies .

  21. 在2012年和2013年产量创下纪录后,消费突然下滑,中国发现本国出现大量玉米库存。

    After record crops in 2012 and 2013 , and an abrupt drop off in consumption , China has found itself with a huge corn stockpile .

  22. 当然,很多的别的卓越品质可以在中国发现,但是其中很多仍然没有被我们发现。

    Of course , many other kinds of excellence can be found in China , but much of it will remain unknown to most of us .

  23. 我此次重返中国发现的另一个令人惊讶的方面是,中国人自己似乎并不像华盛顿所描述的那样墨守陈规。

    The other striking aspect of my return to China is that the Chinese themselves do not appear to conform to stereotypes in , say , Washington .

  24. 如果时光倒转1500万年,你可以在美国,欧洲和中国发现很多相同种类的植物和动物。

    If you go back fifteen million years into the past , you find much the same kinds of plants and the animals in the United States , Europe and China .

  25. 目前,她是中国发现的唯一的女性文字,是世界上极为珍稀的文化遗存,有着很高的学术价值。

    At present , she is the only feminine writing which China discovered , is in the world the extremely rare and precious culture remains , has the very high academic value .

  26. 随着帝国东部地区的逐渐稳定与经济发展,拜占廷金币在国际贸易中的影响日增,中国发现的拜占廷金币数量也随之有了明显的起伏变化。

    With the gradual stabilization and development of the economy , the international influence of Byzantine gold coins increased , with which the numbers of Byzantine coins found in China changed accordingly .

  27. 中国发现的早白垩世的鸟类以及树栖的恐龙化石还为鸟类飞行的树栖起源假说提供了十分重要的证据。

    Chinese Early Cretaceous birds , as well as arboreal dinosaurs of the same age in China , also provide compelling evidence for the arboreal hypothesis of the origin of avian flight .

  28. 老君庙构造带是中国发现最早的老君庙油田所处的构造带,位于酒泉盆地南缘新生代前陆冲断带,叠置于早白垩世断陷盆地的南部隆起和石大凹陷之上。

    Laojunmiao structural belt is located in Cenozoic foreland thrust belt of south margin , Jiuquan basin , which is superposed over the south uplift and Shida depression of Early Cretaceous faulted basin .

  29. 古德曼先生称何某之前假期回中国发现其母罹患卵巢癌,这使他变得孤僻、无依无靠、脆弱。

    Mr Goodman said this meant that He , who found out his mother had ovarian cancer when he returned to China for his holidays , was left ' isolated , alone and vulnerable ' .

  30. 鉴于中国发现的恐龙越来越多,下面简单列出一些你在童年时期可能没有听说过的恐龙,姑且称为“人民恐龙史:第一章”吧:

    As China continues to discover ever more dinosaurs , here 's a quick list of some that you might not have learned about as a child -- a sort of People 's History of Dinosaurs , Part I , if you will :