
chà lù
  • branch road;byroad;side road;fork
岔路 [chà lù]
  • [branch road;byroad] 分岔的路

  1. 很不错的名言,在我走到这个人生岔路的时候,它提醒了我!

    The very good famous saying , When I walks to this life branch road time , it was reminding me !

  2. 猛然间,从岔路上一辆汽车窜到我面前。

    Suddenly , a car appeared in front of me from a side road .

  3. 来到岔路口就靠右行。

    Where the path divides , keep right .

  4. 过桥后走右边那条岔路。

    Fork right after the bridge .

  5. 走右边的岔路。

    Take the right fork .

  6. 快到城镇边界时要走岔路的左边一条小路。

    Just before the town boundary fork left onto a minor road .

  7. 过了几英里,右侧出现一条小岔路。

    After a few miles , a small road branched off to the right

  8. 他转入岔路,却发现自己困在了一个难觅出口的市镇广场。

    He turned off only to find he was trapped in a town square with no easy exit .

  9. 他们在岔路口分道而行。

    Their paths diverged at the fork in the road .

  10. 到了岔路口再向左转。

    At the fork of the road , bear toward the left .

  11. 他们在岔路口处分手。

    They parted at the fork .

  12. 他决定藏在岔路边的房间内。

    He decided to hide inside the room beside the side-road .

  13. 她挥了挥手,在岔路口往左转弯走了。

    With a wave , she forked left and was gone .

  14. 一块儿新的“指示牌”被安装在了立交桥的岔路口。

    A new diagram was added to a highway interchange .

  15. 你走到岔路口时要向左转。

    You need to bear left at the fork in the road .

  16. 遇到三岔路后往左走

    You 'll find a fork in the road . Go left .

  17. 我走在每天必须面对的分岔路。

    I walk on the cross road which I must face everyday .

  18. 到了岔路口一直往左走。

    Stay left at the fork in the road .

  19. 村民指点我走左边的岔路。

    The villager tell me to take the leave fork of the road .

  20. 两条岔路在黄色的树木里叉开。

    Two roads diverged in a yellow wood .

  21. 每次我们沿着一条路走,很快就会碰到新的岔路。

    Every time we follow one path , we soon come across new branches .

  22. 你们就在岔路口,而且时间已经不够了。

    You are at a fork in the road and time is running out .

  23. 在第2个岔路口左拐。

    Take the second turn on the left .

  24. 左转加速车道式分向岛大道向左分出一条岔路。

    Left turn acceleration lane island The main road branches off to the left .

  25. 到了那里有3个岔路供她选择。

    She 's got three options from there .

  26. 假如有事要找我们,回到岔路口。

    If you got to get to us , go back to the fork .

  27. 镇长说你的店铺旁有一个三岔路

    The Mayor said there was a fork in the road by your shop but

  28. 有时侯,我们遇到岔路口,不知道走哪条路。

    Sometimes we come to a crossroads and don 't know which way to go .

  29. 分出来的岔路可以到宇镇吗?

    Which forks out from yangjung beach ?

  30. 你只有勇敢地走下去,到下一个分岔路,做正确的选择。

    You only go bravely , to a sub-fork , to do the right choice .