
  1. 为此,研究三岔河流域的煤炭开采在贵州具有十分重要的地位。

    For this reason , it is important to study its exploitation .

  2. 岔河集油田井网二次加密可行性研究

    The Research in the Feasibility of Well Re-infill in Cha He Ji Oilfield

  3. 本文以山东德州岔河大桥为依托,对斜拉桥索塔锚固区段进行了分析研究。

    Process experiment of SFRC for anchorage zone between steel anchorage box and cable in bridge tower ;

  4. 金矿容矿地层-岔河组和清水沟组形成于昆阳裂陷槽演化的晚阶段。

    The ore-bearing strata , Chahuo Formation and Qingshuigou Formation , were formed in the late stage of the evolution of the Kunyang taphrogeosycline .

  5. 本文将模糊聚类水质评价方法应用于贵州三岔河某段面的水质评价。

    On the basis of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and grey gathering classification , fuzzy gathering classification method was set up , and used to evaluate some river water quality .

  6. 秦以后分布于今四川宜宾地区之人,有一部分沿长江东徙,至迟于南齐时已到达今江津一带。贵州习水三岔河发现之岩墓岩刻为蜀汉时人留下之史迹。

    There were some Bo people those lived in yibing fo Shichuan after Qin Dynasty , had moved to the east of Changjiang , and had reached Jiangjin at Nanqi dynasty .

  7. 那条刚刚汇入的河流是一条他们刚驶过的河流的近亲,而他们之前驶过的河就已经有曼德尔和或者三岔河那么宽了。

    The new river that had joined them was a close twin to the one they had been sailing down , and that one alone had almost matched the Mander or the Trident .