
Numerical prediction of point source far - field noise in stationary medium
Far field directivity of built-up circular piston sound source
The small individual sources of pollution are far more numerous than the large ones .
The direct S wave phase of deep teleseisms with epicentral distance of about 50 ° can be separated from other seismic phases .
Inverse of velocity structure of upper mantle of crust in northern part of North China by body wave recordings of deep focus distant earthquakes
Using pure S wave fitting method , the authors studied shear wave velocity structure under the Ordos plate and its southeastern marginal aeras .
In terms of traveling , the vast cultural resources in Jiangxi are of ornamental value , experimental value , experimental value and scientific value .
As a unique literary style to explore the human-nature relationship , it bears a deep romantic tradition and a forever theme of returning to nature .
In titting , for each seismic station , the body wave recordings of deep focus distant earthquakes were selected for several times to be as observed seismograms .
The studies on them have a long history , and the contents of the research ceaselessly change with the advancement of society and the development of productivity .
Pu'er tea has a long standing history , implying the romantic and inductive legend , with a primitive simplicity and pure tasty and containing the abundant and profound art .
Based on S wave records of deep teleseisms on Shanxi Province Digital Network , and by modeling S wave waveform , shear wave velocity structures under 6 stations were obtained .
Compared with the far field directivity on infinite barrier plate , the result indicates that the directivity of built-up sound source based on principle of mirror image exhibits more actually the distribution of sound field in sonochemical reactor .
However , the metal selenium compounds nanocrystalline is not as easily obtained as metal sulfide for the source of selenium is difficult to prepare than sulfur . Another causes is that the preparation of selenium compounds need high-pressure and high-temperature conditions .
The far-field aerodynamic noise generated by a point source is calculated using the Kirchhoff ′ s method .
The Far-field Approximations of Incompressible Sources Used in Finite Elementary Solutions
Radiant far field of hexagonal piston sound source
However , current research in this area is rare because the base far away from the fault source and the vibration signals collected relatively weak .
And in the cities , such as Beijing and other dust areas , the plants have high dust _carrying capacity can be planted for air cleaning .
Based on Reily-integration , the sound pressure distribution and directivity formula of hexagonal piston ′ s radiant far field are calculated out . And the directivity formula is simulated .
However , the effect of the free surface on the acoustic power is insignificant when the surface is far away from the sphere or the excitation frequency is in the high frequency range .
With the development of food industry , the supply of sweetener produced by traditional method is not sufficient for its production , so the researchers are looking for the alternate sources to make supply sufficient .
As far as the negative pressure friction distribution is concerned , negative pressure values of water hammer for both trunk and branch have achieved limit negative pressure value . ( 7 ) The further the distance transient source is , the smaller the water hammer pressure head is .
The similarities of main immunoreactive site and target enzyme-binding site between every two kinds of CaM , were greater than those of complete sequences among those close species in evolution , but smaller among those farther species .
Study on far field characteristics of line array of pulsating cylinder sound sources
Risk of poisoning in near-source zones and far-source zones can be equally provided that toxic threshold is low enough .
The fall of lake-mountain in it is low and sources are relatively farther , oil generation and accumulation conditions are poor .
Due to far away from the hydrocarbon source rock , oil-gas migration and building-up conditions became the main controlling factor of the formation trap reservoir forming .
As the distance from the source area increases , the structure maturity within each member gradually increases form north to south and from west to east .
Through comparison , it shows that at the same value of frequency and size , the far field of hexagonal piston is more uniform than that of circular piston .