
  1. 一个齐国人得知靖国君田婴想在封地薛城扩建城墙的消息。

    A person of the state of Qi heard that Tian Ying , the king of the State of Jin wanted to expend1 the city wall of his vavasory Xue .

  2. 如果齐国灭亡了,即使薛城筑得上顶青天,还不是一样无济于事吗?”田婴听了这个故事,马上终止了薛地筑城的计划。

    If state Qi was conquered , then it wouldn 't help even if there was a very high city wall here . " After hearing this story , Tian Ying stopped the plan to build the city wall .

  3. 介绍了薛城焦化厂对焦炉热修补使用的不定型耐火材料及结合剂的种类、配比进行改进的情况。

    The improvement of sort and proportioning of the refractory materials and the binding agent used in hot repair for coke furnace in Xuecheng Coking Plant is introduced .