
  • 网络color psychology
  1. 多媒体软件开发中的色彩心理与运用

    The color psychology & Application in the development of multimedia software

  2. 美术教学创新与色彩心理研究

    Study of the Innovation in Artistic Teaching and Color Psychology

  3. 色彩心理效应模型在人性化Web导购系统中的搭建与应用

    Build and Application of Color 's Psychological Effect Model in Humanness Web Guide System

  4. 色彩心理效应与室内设计

    The Psychological Effect Towards Colour and its use in Intreior Designs

  5. 方法:复习了色彩心理研究的有关文献。

    Method : Review the document about color psychological research .

  6. 茶包装的色彩心理研究

    Study on Color Psychology in Packaging Design of Tea

  7. 色彩心理与城市交通安全文化分析

    Color Psychology and City Communication Safety Culture

  8. 色彩心理研究的历史轨迹

    The Historical Trace of Color Psychological Research

  9. 浅谈色彩心理在建筑环境设计中的应用

    An Elementary Introduction of the Use of Color Psychology in the Design of Architectural Surroundings

  10. 目的:系统地回顾综合色彩心理研究的过去与现在。

    Objective : Look systematically back on the pass and present of color psychological research .

  11. 色彩心理效应特征浅析

    On the Psychological Effect Characteristics of Color

  12. 通过对色彩心理情感效应的深入分析、研究与统计,建立了色彩与视觉的量化关系,确定了程度参考因子;

    On the detailed research on color sensibility , a numeration relationship between color and vision is defined with the definition of degree-reference-parameter .

  13. 从色彩心理角度提出色彩在心理方面具有传达信息、激发情感、产生联想的作用。

    From the aspect of the color psychology , communicating information , inspiring sensibilities , arousing association of ideas are important functions of the color .

  14. 主要对人们在茶包装设计中产生的色彩心理进行了探讨,并通过成功的设计案例进一步加深对茶包装色彩心理的理解。

    Through a series of successful examples , the color psychology of tea packaging was discussed to increase the understanding of color psychology of tea packaging .

  15. 色彩心理是指客观色彩世界引起的主观心理反应,而人们对茶包装的色彩心理感受实际上是多种信息的综合反应。

    Color psychology is the subjective mental reaction caused by the objective color world . Actually , people 's feeling of packaging design of tea is the mental expressions consist of much information .

  16. 最后研究了图像的评价方法,提出了利用用户对图像的色彩心理效果作为评价指标,用神经网络对分形图案进行评价的方法。

    Studies the evaluation method of images , and gives a fractal images evaluation model based on artificial neural network which use the color psychological effect of user for images as evaluating indicator .

  17. 利用色彩心理效应所体现出的冷暖感、轻重感、强弱感、进退感、软硬感统一色彩的功能美和艺术美。

    It makes use of the synaesthesis of color including changes in temperature , light or heavy , strong or puny , advance or retreat , soft or hard unites function esthetics and art esthetics .

  18. 综合运用多学科的理论知识,以造型艺术、景观生态、色彩心理、植物文化等基本原理,深层次、多角度对公共雕塑的植物配置进行详尽研究。

    Integrated use of multi-disciplinary theoretical knowledge to the plastic arts , landscape ecology , color psychology , plant culture as basic principles , deep-level , multi-angle on the public sculpture in the detailed study of the landscape plants .

  19. 论述了色彩心理对人的影响,以及如何运用色彩的心理错觉调整建筑空间与造型,改善环境气氛,增强建筑环境的表现力。

    This thesis discusses the effect of color psychology on people . It also explains how to use color psychological illusions to compromise architectural space and model , to improve the environmental atmosphere and enhance the expression of architectural surroundings .

  20. 从色彩心理角度阐述了色彩与产品设计的关系,以及色彩心理研究的前提下,如何指导色彩在产品设计迎合消费者心理。

    Elaborated from the color psychology angle the color and the product design relations , as well as under the color psychology research premise , how do instruct the color to cater to the consumer psychology in the product design .

  21. 色彩·心理&记汕尾逸挥基金医院的色彩设计产品的丙酮不溶物(AI)达96%以上,色泽微黄、无溶剂残留。

    A light yellow color , without solvent residual product was obtained .

  22. 色彩的心理效应和设计中的应用

    The colour 's Psychological Effect and Its Use in Architectural Design

  23. 家电市场色彩消费心理解读

    The Study of Color Consumer Mentality about Electrical Home Appliances Market

  24. 论色彩的心理效应及其在包装中的应用

    The Psychological Effect of Color and Its Application in Packaging

  25. 试论建筑色彩的心理效应及其应用

    On psychological function and uses of colour in architecture

  26. 秦词色彩的心理意蕴主要是一种情愁意蕴。

    Melancholy implication was regarded as a major implication of color in Qin Guan 's Ci .

  27. 室内色彩与心理

    Indoor Color and Psychology

  28. 色彩的心理、生理作用和习惯好恶,造成色彩对工效和情绪的特殊作用。

    The color 's psychology 、 physiological action and the custom create special influence from color to work efficiency and mood .

  29. 他们的作品既是真实反映现实人生诸层面的写实文学,又是强化了主观理性色彩的心理小说;

    Their works are not only realistic literary works that reflect all levels of real life but also psychological novels which intensify the subjectively rational knowledge .

  30. 中学生自立意识就是中学生的一种积极自觉的心理活动,是对自立这种个体活动所形成的一种积极的带有情感色彩的心理觉悟。

    Self-awareness of secondary school students is a positive self-psychology , self-reliance which is the formation of individual activities with a positive mental awareness of emotional color .