
xīn wén piān
  • newsreel;film;news film
  1. 电影还利用了新闻片片段和街头采访的表现手法。

    The film also made use of newsreel footage and vox pop .

  2. 我们在新闻片里看见你站在总裁的身旁。

    We saw you stand beside the president in the newsreel .

  3. 把编辑好的新闻片,通过计算机数字压缩技术,可以直接存放在硬盘上面,再通过刻录软件利用刻录机将已经编辑制作好的新闻或专题片录像带刻录在DVD光盘上。

    Newsreel if edited completely , may directly be stored in hard disks through the computer digital compression technology , and can be recorded on the DVD compact disc .

  4. 作品体裁不限,包括纪录片、家庭录像片、剧情片、改编作品、MV、幽默短片、风光片、新闻片、个性才艺展示片等。

    The styles are not limited and can include documentary , family video recording , scenario , reorganization works , MV , humor short , scenery , news and skill showing films , etc.

  5. 电视新闻片及其加工工艺VNF-1

    Video news films and their VNF-1 process

  6. 迈克:我打算拍摄一部新闻片。

    MIKE : I 'm going to photograph a news show .

  7. 这几种电视新闻片正是我国目前常规使用的片种。

    These films are right now normally used in our country .

  8. 倒回上集,我来播新闻片。

    Hurry back with part one . I 'll show a newsreel .

  9. 这个新闻片在电视上播了好几次了。

    The newsreel has been shown on TV some times .

  10. 电影包括一些新近发现的战争新闻片资料。

    The movie contains some recently discovered newsreel footage of the war .

  11. 我到电影院的时候新闻片几乎要演完了。

    The newsreel had almost finished when I went to the cinema .

  12. 开始了从新闻片、专题片逐渐向纪录片叙事转型。

    Started from the newsreel , gradually to the documentary films narrative transformation .

  13. 我打算拍摄一部新闻片。

    I 'm going to photograph a news show .

  14. 这部影片中有些旧新闻片的镜头。

    The film contained some old newsreel footage .

  15. 各位网友若对第二次大战的历史有爱好,这段八分钟的珍贵新闻片必定要看看。

    This is a'must see'for the WWII history buff or anyone interested in history .

  16. 你最喜欢什么种类的电影,动画片、喜剧片还是新闻片?

    Which kind of movies do you like best , cartoon , comedy or newsreel ?

  17. 迈克几天后将在演播室拍一部新闻片.

    Then Mike will shoot a news show in the studio in a few days .

  18. 我们要出一个新闻片专辑。

    We run a picture magazine .

  19. 比起新闻片,我更喜欢卡通。

    I prefer cartoons to newsreels .

  20. 影片和新闻片联络处

    Film and Newsreel Liaison Office

  21. 史蒂文:迈克几天后将在演播室拍一部新闻片。

    Steven : then Mike will shoot a news show in the studio in a few days .

  22. 10月,东北电影制片厂成立,主要作品为《民主东北》17部系列新闻片。

    In October , the Northeast Movie Studio was established . Its main productions were seventeen newsreels entitled The Democratic Northeast .

  23. 本文将纪录片放在一个大的参照系中加以审视,通过与新闻片、专题片、故事片的比照和界别,探讨纪录片的内涵。

    Compared with some other types of TV programme such as news , theme films , story films , documentary was placed into a large background to probe into its connotation .

  24. 迈克几天后将在演播室拍一部新闻片。他需要整个演播室场地,这样一来,有一个星期我们都不会再排练了。

    Then Mike will shoot a news show in the studio in a few days . he 'll need the whole studio , and we won 't rehearse for a week .

  25. 克林顿曾表示,她1996年作为第一夫人访问波黑的时候,自己及同行人员曾一度处于狙击手的枪口之下。但是从有关新闻片上看来,她们一行当时的处境没那么可怕。一名选民问她为什么要这样说。

    One voter on a video clip during the debate asked Clinton about her now famous 1996 visit to Bosnia as first lady and why she said her party came under sniper fire and ran for cover when news footage showed a much calmer reception .

  26. 电影节上映的电影,须于最少一个月前运抵本港,以供检查和作新闻界试片之用。

    Films presented by the festival must arrive in Hong Kong for print checking and press screening at least one month before screening .

  27. 他们也自己拍摄一些可笑的视频,如宠物狗吼叫,穿上滑稽的衣服等等,质量几乎达到新闻或娱乐片的专业制作水平了。

    And they 're making the content there from , you know , stupid little clips of their dog barking or wearing a funny dress to , actually , almost professional quality news or entertainment productions .

  28. 从试验结果来看,以P-RCAPMP浆与未漂DIP浆为主、适当进行加填及调色进行配抄,可以抄造出较高档的新闻纸手抄片。

    The results show that , newsprint can be made from blending the pulps of P-RC APMP and unbleached DIP , filling and tinting properly at the same time .

  29. 实验结果表明,使用微粒助留剂能够显著提高新闻纸浆手抄片的灰分(4%),而对纸张白度基本没有影响;

    The results show that suitable retention agents have remarkable effect on the improvement of fines and increase the ash content of handsheet by 4 % , retention of fines by 26 % ~ 32 % , and filler by 17 % ~ 25 % ;