
  1. 为此本文设计并实现了一种新的粮食储藏基础物理参数专家系统来解决上述问题。

    This paper designs and implements a new grain storage basic physical parameters expert system to solve this problem .

  2. 粮农组织一名高级官员最近在该机构的网站上表示,最近不可能出现新的粮食危机。

    A top FAO official recently said on the agency 's website that a new food crisis appears unlikely .

  3. 河南粮食流通体制改革的追踪调查&新的粮食流通体制绩效的实证分析

    The Tracking Survey of Henan Grain Circulation System & The Empirical Analysis of Efficiency of New grain circulation system

  4. 此外,随着更多粮食作物被用作生物燃料生产,新的粮食需求源逐步出现。

    In addition , new sources of food demand have emerged with increased use of food crops for biofuels production .

  5. 两国官员已签署了一份新的粮食销售合同,从而延长了最近到期的一项协定。

    The officials of the two countries have signed a new grain sales contract , extending a recently expired accord .

  6. 如果气候变化开始限制全球粮食与能源作物的产量,将必须开发一种新的粮食生产体系。

    If climate change begins to limit the global production of food and energy crops , it will be necessary to develop a new system of food production .

  7. 像新的粮食补助,国家公务员双倍工资以及给所有开始上学的孩子提供免费电脑等提案将会花去很多钱。

    Proposals such as a new form of rice subsidy , a doubling of the salaries of new civil servants and free tablet computers to all children starting school will cost a lot of money .

  8. 我们认为宋代湖南地区人口的持续增长、农业生产工具进步、水利设施的兴修、新的粮食作物的推广、先进耕作制度的普及等有力地推动了农业经济发展。

    We believed that continued population growth , agricultural production , tools build progress , water conservancy facilities , promotion of new crops and advanced farming systems such as the popularity of effectively in Hunan in the Song Dynasty had promoted the rural economic development in Hunan .

  9. 以下新的绝缘粮食理事会1.1版规格的测量。

    Below the measured specs of the new insulated WFC v1.1 .

  10. 简论新形势下的粮食安全问题

    On the Problem of the Grain Safety in New Situation

  11. 从海底开发新的财富和粮食;

    Of mining ocean floors for new fields of wealth and food ;

  12. 当前中国新的一轮粮食流通体制改革正在进行。

    Nowadays a new round of grain circulating system reform is going on in China .

  13. 预期在不久的将来,中国超级稻育种研究必然以其杰出的成就,为解决新世纪中国的粮食安全做出更大的贡献。

    Its outstanding achievements of Chinese super rice breeding will make bigger contributions to solving Chinese food shortage in this century .

  14. 新格局下的中国粮食安全。

    Facts of Chinese food security under the new situation .

  15. 世界粮食流通的新格局与中国的粮食安全问题

    New Situation of Grain Marketing in the World and China 's Grain Security

  16. 新形势下广东的粮食安全问题与适应策略

    Food Security Problems and Adaptive Policies in Guangdong Province in the New Situation

  17. 山露是何等清纯、高山的空气是何等清新,山上居民之窗开向新耶路撒冷,他们的粮食何等丰富!

    How pure are the dews of the hills , how fresh is the mountain air , how rich the fare of the dwellers aloft , whose windows look into the New Jerusalem !

  18. 深入探讨粮食生产空间格局变化规律,对于新时期制定合理的粮食生产、贸易、流通政策及粮食加工业布局与生产决策,确保区域粮食供需平衡具有重要意义。

    Making a further discussion on change low of spatial pattern of grain production is significant to make grain production , trade and circulation policy , and optimize the layout of grain processing industry .