
  • 网络Retriever;labrador retriever;golden retriever
  1. .这只名叫Levy巧克力色的拉布拉多寻回犬是一条炸弹嗅探犬。

    This chocolate Labrador Retriever named Levy is a bomb sniffing dog .

  2. 不过拉布拉多寻回犬长年占据冠军宝座的情形可能不会持续太久。

    But the Labrador Retriever 's long run at the top may not last too much longer .

  3. 金毛寻回犬为中型犬的一种。

    The Golden Retriever is a medium-sized breed of dog .

  4. 这类犬主要包括了指示犬、寻回犬、塞特犬和猎鹬犬。

    Members of the Group include pointers , retrievers , setters and spaniels .

  5. 拉布拉多寻回犬的原产地是加拿大。

    Their country of origin is Canada .

  6. 哈士奇犬、罗威纳犬、金毛寻回犬和其他犬种的狗吠叫着,用爪子抓着铁丝笼子。

    Huskies , Rottweilers , golden retrievers and other breeds bark and paw at the wires .

  7. 拉布拉多寻回犬最早是作为工作用途的枪猎犬培养的,所以构造的稳固至关重要。

    The Labrador is bred primarily as a working gun dog ; structure and soundness are of great importance .

  8. 我快步走出女生更衣室,愉快地发现我终于成功地暂时甩开了我的寻回犬朋友。

    I hurried from the girls'locker room , pleased to find that I had successfully evaded my retriever friend for the moment .

  9. 上周三,美国育犬协会公布年度最受欢迎犬种,拉布拉多寻回犬连续第19年当选。

    Labrador Retriever was named the top dog in the United States on Wednesday for the19th consecutive year by the American Kennel Club .

  10. 金毛寻回犬&狗如其名,这种狗被训练捡回被打中的水鸟,比如鸭子和打猎时被打中的鸟类。

    As the name suggests , they were actually trained as gundogs to retrieve shot waterfowl such as ducks and upland game birds during hunting .

  11. 甚至连兄弟姐妹也开始参与进来:潘特的弟弟在看完她最终结婚对象的档案照片(他和一只黑色拉布拉多寻回犬的合影)后,成为他最早的支持者。

    Even siblings have begun weighing in ; Ms. Pant 's younger brother became an early booster of the man she would eventually marry after seeing his profile photo with a black Labrador retriever .

  12. 救生犬学校接受任何犬种,但它们的体重至少要达到30千克(66磅)。不过拉布拉多猎犬、纽芬兰犬和金毛寻回犬是最常见的救生犬种,因为它们水性较好。

    The school will train any breed , as long as they weigh at least 30 kg ( 66 pounds ) , but Labradors , Newfoundlands and golden retrievers are most commonly used because of their natural instinct for swimming .

  13. 那时我们在后院喂了两只狗,我出去转了一圈,抱着一只狗(一只杰克罗素梗),拖着另一只(一只巧克力色的拉布拉多寻回犬)的项圈。

    By that time , we had two dogs in the backyard . I went outside and walked around , one dog ( a jack Russell ) in my arm , the other dog ( a chocolate lab ) being dragged there by the collar .