
xún chánɡ bǎi xìnɡ
  • 熟语common people;ordinary citizens/people;hoi polloi
  1. 该数据库将让法治服务及时方便“飞入寻常百姓家”。

    The database will make legal services more accessible to the general public .

  2. 随着计算机的普及和人们阅读需求的提高,E-book日益走进寻常百姓的生活。

    Along with the popularization of the compute and the increase of people 's reading requirements , E-book is entering the daily life of the common people gradually .

  3. 随着3G时代的到来,满足上述条件的移动支付业务在众多支付方式中脱颖而出,受到人们的青睐,正逐步走入寻常百姓的日常生活中。

    As the 3G era , to meet the above conditions of mobile payment services in a number of payments to the fore , people of all ages , are gradually into the daily lives of ordinary people .

  4. 像那样的轿车对寻常百姓而言实在太贵了。

    Cars like that are much too expensive for ordinary folk .

  5. 飞入寻常百姓家。

    Have flown into the homes of common folks there to rest .

  6. 旧时王谢堂前燕飞入寻常百姓家&中国宫廷包装的设计风格对现代礼品包装设计的启示

    The Enlightenment of The Chinese Royal Packing 's Design Style to Modern Gift Packing

  7. 甘特出身于寻常百姓家。

    Gant came from a family of nonentities .

  8. 随着数字电视整体转换在全国范围的推进,数字电视已经走进寻常百姓家。

    Along with the digital TV conversion in the nationwide , digital TV has entered homes .

  9. 休闲观念进入寻常百姓家,自然而然地影响到人们的饮食活动,促成休闲饮食文化的大众化。

    With the sense of leisure becoming common , it would influence people 's diet activities .

  10. 对寻常百姓来说,金融术语高深莫测,金融问题似是而非。

    It is hard for ordinary people to understand the elevated financial terminologies and specious financial problems .

  11. 让光纤照明早日走进寻常百姓家,为大众服务。

    As soon as possible so that fiber-optic lighting into the common people , to serve the community .

  12. 红蜻蜒,飞入寻常百姓家&“红蜻蜒丛书”策划随想

    Red dragonfly , flies into common people 's courtyard & mastermind process of " red dragonfly series "

  13. 音乐不再是被仰慕的对象,早已走入寻常百姓家。

    Music is no longer the object of admiration , have long been common people into the home .

  14. 奢侈品逐渐“平民化”,昔日遥不可及的奢侈品已进入寻常百姓家。

    Luxury goods have progressively " came down " in the street during the democratization of luxury industry .

  15. 这些过去是由高级官员和名人所享用的。但是最终还是进人了寻常百姓家。

    These used to be reserved for high-ranking bureaucrats and celebrities.But they were subsequently adopted by ordinary people .

  16. 飞入寻常百姓家&浅谈网络诗歌中诗人身份的变化

    Flying into the House of Common People & Analyzing the Change of Poet 's Status in the Cyber Poetry

  17. 他灵光一现,便说,我要让电脑进入寻常百姓家。

    A light bulb goes off and he says , wow , I can put computers on every desktop .

  18. 电视、电话、冰箱等高档消费品,也逐渐进入寻常百姓家。

    High-grade durable consumer goods such as television , refrigerator and telephone have become daily necessities for numerous households .

  19. 一群送葬的寻常百姓走进墓园大门,他们佩戴着白色花结,因为死者还很年轻。

    A group of humble mourners entered the gate : wearing white favours ; for the corpse was young .

  20. 日用陶俗称石湾缸瓦,是寻常百姓家中日用陶制品。

    Daily use pottery is also call Shiwan tile , it is widely use in home of ordinary people .

  21. 宴会菜走出国宴等局限,走入寻常百姓,用平民的价格邀请您尊享国宾待遇。

    In Yeohwa Resort , you are going to enjoy the state VIP privilege with our banquet dishes at civilian price .

  22. 随着电视机走进寻常百姓家,春晚也变成了春节不可或缺的一部分。

    As TV sets became affordable for more families , the gala turned into an indispensable part of the Lunar New Year .

  23. 墨镜的销量在上世纪二十年代开始增加,但直到40年代才飞入寻常百姓家。

    Sales started to pick up in the 1920s , but they didn 't become commonplace until about two decades after that .

  24. 越来越多的商品从海外进入中国,而汽车作为一种商品,现在犹如旧时王府堂前燕,飞入寻常百姓家。

    More and more goods are introduced into China from overseas . Car as a commodity is now very common in every household .

  25. 陶器不再是达官贵族家中的稀罕之物,也开始进人寻常百姓之家。

    Pottery objects found their way into the daily life of the common people as they were in the families of privileged aristocrats .

  26. 纯平电视、高清电视从去年起就飞入寻常百姓家,已经像咖啡壶一样普遍。

    Flat-screen , high-definition TVs have been flying off the shelves for the last year and are now as common in homes as coffee pots .

  27. 数字技术引领了广播电视领域的一场革命,数字电视已经进入寻常百姓家庭。

    As the digital technology is leading to a profound revolution in television broadcasting , the digital television is no longer strange to ordinary families .

  28. 为了使超声治疗进入寻常百姓家,本设计研究了一种性价比高,针对于家庭用的脉搏同步的小功率超声治疗仪。

    In order to make supersonic therapy used in common people , this design sites equipment with low power and pulse synchronization supersonic for family .

  29. 亨利·福特没有发明汽车,但他是第一个量化生产汽车的人,这也是的汽车能够进入寻常百姓家。

    Henry Ford did not invent the automobile , but he was the first man to mass-produce it , and this made it available to the ordinary man .

  30. 通过电子商务企业购买商品不再只是先锋人士的专利,互联网的普及使电子商务走入了寻常百姓家。

    Through e-commerce businesses to buy goods is no longer a pioneer who patented . The popularity of the Internet leads e-commerce into the homes of ordinary people .