
  1. 通过精油香气嗅闻,以达到缓解焦虑紧张情绪,舒缓心情的目的。

    Aroma can help people to relieve their anxiety and calm down .

  2. 除去以上这些健康上的好处,我相信巧克力还有舒缓心情的功效。

    More than these physical health benefits , I believe in the soothing power of chocolate .

  3. 现在(回到家),如果你最想做的就是放松和舒缓心情,那就请忘掉电视,和狗一起共度吧。

    Now all you want to do is relax and unwind . Actually , forget the TV and interact with the dog instead .

  4. 城市慢生活作为与城市快速、高效发展相对应的新型城市发展理念,提倡亲近自然,顺应自然,来舒缓心情、排解压力,让工作、学习与生活能够平衡发展。

    According with the fast and efficient development of the concept of new urban development , slow urban life advocates nature intimation close to nature and in harmony with nature in order to ease the mood and relieve the pressure and keep balance in study and life .

  5. 而恰恰相反,咬甲癖患者却常常很享受这个在指尖上啃咬的过程,这能让他们舒缓压力,心情愉悦。

    Nail biters , on the other hand , usually find gnawing on their tips pleasurable and stress-relieving .

  6. 优秀的城市雕塑是城市环境建设的艺术灵瑰,可以潜移默化地舒缓人的心情,丰富城市色彩,美化城市环境。

    Good urban environment construction in urban sculpture is the art of soul , can be subtle and soothing mood , rich colors of the city , to beautify the city environment .

  7. 天然采光可以舒缓神经,舒畅心情,提高工作效率。

    Daylighting can make people in a good humor and improve work efficiency .

  8. 无火香薰挥发精油是一种日用品,买来就是为了净化空气、舒缓压力、放松心情的。

    Aroma Reed Diffuser Oil is for giving you a relaxed , cozy and comfortable environment .

  9. 但温柔舒缓的音乐就刚好相反,它不仅给人带来舒缓美好的心情,还有助于人的身心健康。

    But gently ease the music on the contrary , it will not only bring relieve a better mood , but is also conducive to the physical and mental health .