
  • 网络comfortable;comfort;Fit;amenity;nvh
  1. 针对轿车驾驶的安全性和舒适性,设计一种新型巡航控制系统(CCS)。

    To make driving safer and more comfortable , cruise control system ( CCS ) is studied .

  2. 舒适性空调建筑的IAQ

    IAQ inside Comfortable Air-Conditioned Buildings

  3. 基于MATLAB的摩托车舒适性仿真分析

    Simulation of Ride Comfort for Motorcycle Based On MATLAB

  4. 尽管开关的功能已关闭,但“entry”(进车)舒适性功能仍起作用。

    " Entry " comfort function is working although the function was switched off at the switch .

  5. a.利用神经网络信息处理技术对热舒适性指标进行智能预测是可行的。

    It is reliable to predict PMV by the use of Neural Network .

  6. 现有的各种储能技术都不能全面满足ISA系统的能量要求,必须开发新的储能技术或系统。ISA系统的使用结果表明,该系统可显著提高燃油经济性及低速时的驾驶舒适性。

    So it is imperative to develop new energy storage technology and system for meeting the requirements of ISA .

  7. 舒适性空调系统的颗粒污染物控制&改善IAQ的步骤之一

    Particle contamination control of comfort Air conditioning system

  8. DCT车辆具备与AT车辆一样的驾驶方便性和舒适性,同时拥有比AT车辆好得多的燃油经济性。

    In comparison with AT , vehicles with DCT have the same performance in convenience and driving comfort , but more excellent in fuel economy .

  9. 通过计算机来计算Fanger的舒适性指标以检测室内人员的热感觉;

    Fanger 's thermal comfort index was also computed to detect the occupants'thermal sensation .

  10. 制动抖动问题是汽车NVH重要的组成部分,严重影响车辆的舒适性,同时抖动也加速了相关部件的老化和疲劳破坏,从而影响到汽车的安全性,因此研究制动抖动十分的必要。

    Brake judder is one of important parts for automobile NVH , which has a great effect on vehicle comfort and fatigue of related components .

  11. 实测分析结果表明室内热湿环境基本满足舒适性要求,但从室内空气品质来看,室内VOCs浓度偏高,与室内装修材料关系密切。

    The results show that the indoor thermal environment is good in Harbin , but for IAQ , the VOCs concentration is high , which has intimate relationship with decorative materials .

  12. 针对昆明站二楼候车厅的室内热舒适性,本文利用CFD模拟软件对昆明二楼候车厅的温度和风速场进行模拟分析。

    In the light of the indoor thermal comfort of waiting hall of the two floor in Kunming station , using CFD simulation software to simulat waiting room of the second floor temperature and wind field simulation analysis .

  13. 目标层为AMT性能评价;三个准则层为AMT基本性能、换档舒适性和可靠性;十二个指标变量层为每个性能中选取的评价指标。

    Target level is the evaluation of AMT performance ; three rule layers are AMT basic performance , shift comfortable and reliability ; twelve index variable layer is the evaluation index of each performance . 2 .

  14. 本文引用了通风效率,通过比较三维速度场,温度场和CO2分布情况来得出三种通风方式的各自特点,从而突出置换通风方式在空气品质、热舒适性、节能和通风效率上的优势。

    This paper incites the concept of ventilation efficiency , and compares the three dimensional velocity fields , temperature fields and concentration fields to conclude the respective character and at last to pop out the advantage of the displacement ventilation on supplying better air-quality , ventilation efficiency and saving energy .

  15. 针对热舒适性各影响因素的特点,提出了舒适性指标(CI)控制的控制策略和算法,建立了房间空调器系统模型,对CI控制进行了计算机仿真研究。

    Control strategies and algorithms of comfort - index ( CI ) control were proposed on the basis of the factors to influence thermal comfort . Moreover , an air - conditioner system model was presented and simulation study on Cl control was conducted with the model .

  16. PTT织物具有舒适性,耐久性和易保养性,优越的冲击韧性,高弹力且手感柔软的特性满足了当今纺织品市场的需求,很适合于制作泳装、内衣和其它高档服装。

    Meanwhile , comfort , ease care and durability , good impact strength , high elastic recovery and soft hand meet the demands of textile markets , so PTT fabrics are suitable to make swimming coats , underwear and top grade costumes .

  17. 主观方面,采用SD评价法,研究了织物的基本结构参数对其接触舒适性各指标的影响,以及湿态下织物的接触舒适性能。

    In the subjective assessment , the evaluation words , the environment and staff were selected , the SD evaluation method was used , and the basic structure of the fabrics parameters influence on the contact comfort parameters , and the state of wet fabrics contact comfort were studied .

  18. 通过SD语义差异法的问卷调查得到关于主观对试验区域的热舒适性感觉都很不舒服,都期望能够再凉快一点,树荫下的热感觉要稍好于草地与广场。

    Through the SD semantic differences of the questionnaire survey method to get on a subjective test area the thermal comfort of all feel very uncomfortable , are expected to be able to cool the , the shade of hot feeling a little better than to meadows and square .

  19. CRCP消除了普通混凝土路面的横向接缝,具有行车舒适性好,承载能力高,使用寿命长,养护维修少等显著优点。

    With the exclusion of transverse expansion or contraction joints of Portland Concrete Pavement , CRCP has more advantages including better riding quality , higher bearing capacity , longer service life and less maintenance work .

  20. 用预期评价指标PMV作为热舒适性的评价标准,根据满足人体热舒适性要求的PMV值就可以找到冬、夏季空调房间空调设备间断运行最佳的开、停机时间组合方式。

    Takes the hot comfortable evaluation criteria with anticipated appraisal PMV , according to satisfies the person volumetric heat comfortableness request the PMV value , find the best interrupted movement t way of he winter , the summer air conditioning equipment .

  21. 根据人体热平衡方程和Fanger的舒适性假设建立了空调座舱的热舒适性计算模型,并给出了空调座舱热环境的评价方法,从而为热舒适的定量评价奠定了理论基础。

    A thermal comfort calculation model of air conditioned cockpit is founded on the base of human thermal balance equation and thermal comfort hypothesis proposed by P. O. Fanger . Furthermore , the assessment method of thermal comfort is presented .

  22. 同时在分析速度范围内,芜湖长江大桥主跨312m斜拉桥刚度是足够的,既能保障行车安全,也能满足平稳性和舒适性要求,并具有一定的安全储备。

    The stiffness value of the 312 m main span cable stayed bridge of Wuhu Yangtze River bridge is sufficient , and the running safety , running smoothness and riding comfort can be insured .

  23. 本文还简单介绍了车辆乘坐舒适性评价指标和标准,并采用ISO2631推荐的常用评价方法(疲劳&减效果限)对座椅进行了乘坐舒适性评价。

    The index and standard of evaluating riding comfort are introduced briefly in this , paper . Riding comfort is evaluated for the seat , making use of evaluated method recommended by ISO2631 ( fatigue-decreased , proficiency boundary ) .

  24. 随意性、舒适性和灵活性是其三大特点。

    Randomness , comfort and flexibility are its three major characteristics .

  25. 细旦丙纶短纤织物服用舒适性分析

    Study on Dressing Comfort Performance of Fine-Denier Polypropylene Staple Fibre Fabrics

  26. 空调列车车厢内夏季热舒适性的研究

    Research on Air-condition Train 's Carriage 's Thermal Comfort in Summer

  27. 真丝与涤纶面料的穿着舒适性研究

    A Study on Wearing Comfort of Silk and Polyester Shell Fabries

  28. 电涡流缓速器作为一种非接触式的辅助制动系统可以大大提高行驶经济性和舒适性。

    Electromagnetic retarder is a new kind of dis-osculant assistant braking-system .

  29. 弹力女内衣压力舒适性研究

    A research on the pressing comfortability of elastic women ′ s underwear

  30. 热环境中针织面料穿着舒适性影响因素的研究

    Effects on Comfort Properties of Knitted Fabric in Hot Environment