
shū xīn
  • comfortable;happy;pleasant and agreeable
舒心 [shū xīn]
  • [be pleased;feel happy] 〈方〉∶心情舒畅;顺心

  • 舒心如意

  • 过上了舒心的日子

  1. 在大城市,几乎肯定能找到一个和你意气相投、让你觉得舒心的心灵抚慰者。

    In a large city you 're almost certain to find a physician with whom you are compatible and feel comfortable .

  2. 因为37摄氏度是人的常态体温,所以,37度女郎在身边会让人觉得开心、舒心。

    As 37 degrees Celsius1 is the human body temperature , her company makes people feel pleasant and comfortable .

  3. 能和别人谈谈这件事,感到舒心多了。

    It was a relief to be able to talk to someone about it .

  4. 她有一点私房钱,所以他们过得很舒心。

    She has a bit of private money , so they manage quite nicely

  5. 他的话听起来总是十分诚恳,让我感到既温暖又舒心。

    He had a way of sounding so sincere . It made me warm and tingly

  6. 一个人如果感觉舒心,就不必去胡吃海塞。

    When you are happy about yourself you won 't need to fill yourself up with food .

  7. 看一看NestLabs生产的Nest恒温器吧,它简单易用,让人觉得舒心。

    Look at the disarmingly simple nest thermostat from nest labs .

  8. 目的:筛选舒心贴剂中CVD体外经皮渗透试验的接收液。

    Objective : To select the receptor fluid used in the in-vitro skin permeation study of CVD from Shuxin transdermal patch .

  9. 结果舒心片能明显改善大鼠心肌缺血程度(∑-st),减小心肌梗塞面积,降低心肌缺血损伤动物的ck,ldh,mda含量,升高sod含量。

    Results Shuxin tablets could improve the models Σ - ST , reduce MIS and the contents of CK , LDH , MDA and rise the contents of SOD .

  10. 总之,先进的GPS设备能够给承租人带来巨大的价值增值,让承租人在设备使用过程中不仅用得放心,而且用得舒心。

    In short , advanced GPS equipment to the lessee can bring enormous value added , so that the lessee at the use of the process equipment used is not only reassuring , and comfortable use .

  11. 另20例(男性11例,女性9例;年龄62±9a)采用丹参舒心胶囊3粒,po,tid作对照。2组均以12wk为一个疗程。

    Other similar 20 patients ( M11 , F 9 ; age 62 ± 9 a ) received Dan-shen-shu-xin capsule 3 capsules , po , tid , for 12 wk served as control group .

  12. “Vinus”产品无论从外观设计、使用寿命、环保指标、安全性能等方面均按国际标准打造,让每一位“Vinus”顾客买着放心、看着舒心、用着安心。

    Regardless of " Vinus " design , life time , environmental indicators , or security properties are built to international assure " Vinus " customers burying comfortable and easily .

  13. 成熟的女人会展现母性的温柔给丈夫一份舒心。

    Mature women will show a maternal tenderness to her husband .

  14. 前言:目的:建立舒心丸的质量标准。

    Objective : To establish the quality standard for Shuxin Pill .

  15. 他的锹凿开了坚实的砂土,发出令人舒心的嘎扎声。

    His spade cleaved the firm sand with a satisfying crunch .

  16. 成熟的男人会让你笑让你舒心。

    Mature men will let you laugh let you stay .

  17. 高校体育基础课倡导兴趣健身,舒心愉悦参与锻炼。

    College basic sports courses advocate bodybuilding with happy participation .

  18. 结论舒心片对心肌缺血损伤有一定的保护作用。

    Conclusion Shuxin tablets has protective effects on myocardial ischemia .

  19. 回避冲突:经营一家企业不是件舒心的事儿。

    Conflict avoiders : running a business is not a relaxing affair .

  20. 我们在乡村旅馆度过了一个舒心的周末。

    We spent a luxurious weekend at a country hotel .

  21. 既省钱又舒心。

    It saves you money and makes you feel better .

  22. 让我吃惊的是,当我离开纯真年代办公楼的时候,我还真是感到温暖而舒心。

    To my surprise I left the Innocent offices feeling warm and fuzzy .

  23. 至于最让我吃得舒心的,应该算是意大利南部传统美食了。

    The consistently best restaurant food I , ve ever had is Vietnamese .

  24. 西班牙人没有防备心的性格和自信使他非常的舒心。

    The Spaniard 's disarming humility and confidence has brought him some joy .

  25. 你理想中的伴侣应该是一个能让你觉得舒心的人,即使你和他在一起时像个傻瓜。

    You want someone who you feel comfortable enough around to be silly with .

  26. 这个夜晚对杜兰特来说是成功的,但也许并不那么舒心。

    It was a successful night - but perhaps not exactly a satisfying one .

  27. 永别了母亲,祝你能舒心。

    Kindhearted mother , may you be tranquil .

  28. 整洁、安雅、舒心是我们呈现给您好面前的永恒形象;

    The eternal images we present you are tidy , relieved , and comfortable .

  29. 我们将尽力使你在此逗留期间舒心。

    We 'll do our best to make your stay here a pleasant one .

  30. 自由派从来未曾如此舒心快乐过。

    Liberals never had it so good .