
  1. 更有甚者,他竟然用炼丹炉来煮方便面!

    The piglet even cooks instant noodles in an alchemy stove .

  2. 我教你怎样煮方便面。

    I am going to show you how to make instant noodles .

  3. 但是你知道怎样以一种正确的方法煮方便面吗?

    But do you know how to cook them in a correct way ?

  4. 因此在煮方便面之前,我们最好用温水洗一洗方便面,之后把水倒掉。

    So before cooking the noodles , we 'd better wash the instant noodles with warm water and pour away the water .

  5. 方便面、方便菜、方便点心,为的是方便百姓。我教你怎样煮方便面。

    Instant noodles , instant dishes and refreshments are all for people 's convenience . I am going to show you how to make instant noodles .

  6. 但是,武当山上的麦兜却似乎对和新朋友一起外出闲逛更感兴趣。更有甚者,他竟然用炼丹炉来煮方便面!

    But , at Wudang , McDull apparently gets more fun out of hanging out with his new friends . The piglet even cooks instant noodles in an alchemy stove .

  7. 对!我想起来了,你煮的方便面味道还真不错!

    Yes ! It occurred to me that the noodles you cooked tasted good .

  8. 她还该曾经吃下过3千克刚煮好的方便面,

    On another occasion she ate 3kg of instant noodles straight from the pan .