
zhǔ kā fēi
  • make coffee;boil coffee
  1. 如果我已经读完这本书,我就给你煮咖啡。

    If I have finished reading this book , I will boil coffee for you .

  2. 那您在家的时候会自己煮咖啡喝吗?

    Would you make coffee yourself when you are at home ?

  3. 本被请来为全队煮咖啡。

    Ben was roped into making coffee for the whole team .

  4. 该谁煮咖啡了?

    Whose turn is it to brew up ?

  5. 我就来煮咖啡。

    I 'll just make the coffee .

  6. 从一开始,法国人对煮咖啡就比别人都用心,威廉·哈里森·阿克斯(WilliamHarrisonUkers)在1922年的《关于咖啡的一切》(AllAboutCoffee)中写道。

    From the beginning , the French devoted more attention than any other people to coffee brewing , William Harrison Ukers wrote in All About Coffee , published in 1922 .

  7. 还有老式的煮咖啡的器具,用它煮制咖啡需要很长的时间,它便是percolator。

    And also there is an old-fashioned kind where it boils , and the coffee takes a long time to make , that 's called a percolator .

  8. 你收拾盘碟,我去煮咖啡。

    You clear the table and I 'll make the coffee .

  9. 在任何地点都可以煮咖啡的手机应用。

    An app that lets us brew our coffee from anywhere .

  10. 我的工作并不包括为老板煮咖啡。

    My job doesn 't include making coffee for the boss .

  11. 你去工作、煮咖啡?

    You are going back to work and you made coffee ?

  12. 那么煮咖啡的下个步骤是什么?

    So what 's the next step in the coffee-making process ?

  13. 为老板煮咖啡不是我份内的事!

    My job doesn 't include making coffee for the boss !

  14. 保罗会帮我收拾和煮咖啡。

    Paul will help me clear and make the coffee .

  15. 我们拾了一些木头,用来生火煮咖啡。

    We gathered some wood to make a fire and cook coffee .

  16. 她正在煮咖啡,这时我们到了。

    She was making some fresh coffee when we arrived .

  17. 他的责任包括寄信和煮咖啡。

    His duties include taking letters to the post and making coffee .

  18. 本被请来为全队煮咖啡。

    Ben was roped into making the coffee for the whole team .

  19. 我猜你还没学会煮咖啡吧。

    I figured you hadn 't learned how to brew coffee yet .

  20. 我想煮咖啡,咖啡机在哪儿?

    I wanted to make some coffee , where 's the machine ?

  21. 晚餐后他为我们煮咖啡。

    He made coffee for all of us after dinner .

  22. 孩子在煮咖啡,你是哪里不舒服吗?

    Having a kid make coffee ? What 's wrong with you ?

  23. 大卫·麦肯锡即将评鉴这个可能是世上最怪异的现煮咖啡。

    David McKenzie examines what is probably the world 's strangest brew .

  24. 现在是步骤三:煮咖啡开始!

    Now for step three : Let the brewing begin !

  25. 露西:他们要让你煮咖啡?

    Lucy : They 'll let you make coffee ?

  26. 早晨自己煮咖啡好吗?

    Make your own coffee in the morning okay ?

  27. 他们每天早晨掷骰子看该谁煮咖啡。

    They roll dice each morning to see who will make the coffee .

  28. 迎宾咖啡厅-提供瑞士原装现煮咖啡及轻食。

    Coffee Rest offer freshly brewed coffee and snacks .

  29. 你还是去帮着煮咖啡吧。

    Why don 't you help with the coffee ?

  30. 他似乎认为煮咖啡会有失他的身份。

    He seems to think it 's beneath him to make the coffee .