
  • 网络Schum;Victor Shum;Schumm;Joel Schumm;S.A.Schumm;Albert Shum
  1. 但是,就在一瞬间,舒姆看到了惊人的一幕:

    Within seconds , though , Schum saw something astonishing :

  2. 问题13飞机坠毁时舒姆可能正在做什么?

    Question 13 . What was Schum probably doing when the crash happened ?

  3. 舒姆赤足飞快穿过马路,翻过6英尺高的钢丝网围栏,冲进了树林深处100码。

    Schum sprinted across the street barefoot , scaled a six-foot-high chain-link fence , and dashed about 100 yards toward the woods .

  4. 一群人在机场抗议噪音,舒姆没有穿鞋就下了车。

    A group was protesting airplane noise , and Schum , who had kicked off his shoes , got out of the car .

  5. 在机场暑期打工的17岁的高中生杰克·格利森紧随舒姆赶到现场。

    Jack Gleeson , 17 , a high school student working a summer job at the airport , caught up to Schum and ,