
dēng chǎng
  • come on stage;be carried to the threshing ground


dēng cháng
  • be gathered and taken to the threshing ground
登场 [dēng chǎng]
  • (1) [be carried to the threshing ground]∶ [谷物] 收割运到场上

  • 小麦已经登场

  • (2) [come on stage]∶ [剧中人] 出现在舞台上

登场[dēng cháng]
登场[dēng chǎng]
  1. 随着国内大型基础设施建设告一个段落,各种维护工程,小型工程项目将陆续登场,小型工程机械需求量必然上升。

    With domestic large infrastructure construction against a paragraph , various maintenance engineering , small projects will have to come on stage , small engineering machinery demand inevitable rise .

  2. 今天他们登场与郡冠军队埃塞克斯队比赛。

    Today they take the field against county champions Essex .

  3. 优胜者们神采奕奕地登场亮相。

    The champions came out all guns blazing .

  4. 那个女演员身穿全套戏装登场。

    The actress came on in full costume .

  5. 小麦已经登场。

    The wheat is on the threshing ground .

  6. 第三个iphone也登场了……iPhone效应开始了。

    Third iphone makes an entrance -- the iphone effect has arrived .

  7. 新登场模拟式调温电焊台,操作简单。

    New debuting analog thermostat welding machine , easy to operate .

  8. 但在纽约证券交易所(NewYorkStockExchange)的舞台上闪亮登场是个助力。

    But a glamorous debut on the New York stock exchange stage could help .

  9. 在著名电视剧集《迷失》(Lost)和《火线警告》(BurnNotice)中,它们也闪亮登场。

    They were featured in TV shows like lost and burn notice .

  10. 同样,上周iPadAir闪亮登场。

    In a similar vein , last week Apple introduced the iPad air .

  11. 消失7年后,她带着再度出山的第一张录音室专辑《你是我的希望》(ILooktoYou)再次闪耀登场。

    She came back in a big way with " I Look to You , " her first studio album in seven years .

  12. 新科GPS引领导航科技07版专业地图强势登场

    Shinco GPS guides navigation science and technology strong power of 07 printing plate special field map and everybody meet

  13. 一宗大规模首次公开发行(IPO)的登场,是明显的触发因素。

    The debut of a large initial public offering was an obvious catalyst .

  14. 这些都为FacebookIPO的重磅登场铺平了道路。

    All of this would set the stage for a spectacular IPO for Facebook .

  15. 郭士纳在ibm的登场方式毫不张扬,避免了类似的困境,因此获得了长期回报。

    The fact that Mr Gerstner avoided such a struggle by starting out at IBM unshowily paid long-term dividends .

  16. 第二个太阳在X星2003年进入内太阳系时就引人注目地登场了,位置刚刚好。

    The Second Sun made dramatic appearances in2003 when Planet X first arrived in the inner solar system , as the location was just right .

  17. 在一个常规FixPack流程中,测试团队在建议修复包列表确定之后才登场。

    In a Conventional Fix Pack Process , the test team becomes involved only after the recommended list of Fixes has been identified .

  18. 在著名的camel之后,是橙色登场令你衣橱焕然一新的时候啦。

    After the famous camel , it is time for tangerine to spice up your wardrobe .

  19. 才订婚没多久的希拉里达芙身穿一件水绿色紧身大V领短裙搭配多层链条项链登场。

    Hillary Duff wore a skin-tight aqua Herve Leger bandage dress with tons of chain necklaces and a pair of Christian Louboutin " Big Lips " pumps .

  20. US的这种需求和意图,随着受者军产复合体等战争狂支援的Bush登场,成为了现实。

    With the debut of Bush who are greatly backed by such crazy war-fighter as the complexity of military and productive industries , the requirements and intentions of US come into reality .

  21. 不管你是在一场儿童棒球赛结束后压轴出场,还是在一场深夜party上闪亮登场,想办法在大伙儿都在的时候秀出你的专长(压轴出场的来宾总是受欢迎的)。

    Whether it 's after the kids ' baseball game or the place for the late-late , after-after party , make your address the crew 's place to be ( last-minute guests always welcome ) .

  22. 已经退役的NBA巨星阿伦·艾弗森和巴朗·戴维斯也会在电影中登场,并和马布里打一场比赛。

    Retired NBA star Allen Iverson and Baron Davis will also appear in the film , playing at a game with Marbury .

  23. 匈牙利站比赛是F1世界冠军赛的第十三站赛事,将在周日登场,全程七十七圈。

    The Hungarian stop is the thirteenth race in F1 World Championship . The 77-lap event will take place on Sunday .

  24. 手机开发界的两位传奇人物&马特•赫汉森和乔•布里特突然作为Android开发团队的成员登场。

    Matt hershenson and Joe Britt , two legendary figures in mobile phone development , have suddenly resurfaced as part of the team building Android .

  25. 当一名华裔歌手在荷兰电视节目《荷兰达人秀》(Holland'sGotTalent)中登场时,一位名叫戈登(Gordon)的评委大声说道:你准备唱哪一个号码?

    When a Chinese singer appeared onstage on the Dutch TV show Holland 's Got Talent , a judge named Gordon shouted out : Which number are you going to sing ?

  26. 如传闻所言,较为便宜的iPad最近登场了,苹果公司正式推出一款9.7英寸的iPad,支持ApplePencil。

    Rumors of a new , cheaper iPad emerged recently , and Apple is making it official with a refreshed 9.7-inch iPad with Apple Pencil support .

  27. 在贾斯汀·特鲁多之前,他的父亲、也是加拿大前任总理皮埃尔·艾略特·特鲁多,曾于1979年漫威《神奇X战警》中登场。

    Justin Trudeau is following his father , Pierre Elliot Trudeau , a former Canadian prime minister himself who appeared as a character in the April 1979 issue of Marvel 's Uncanny X-Men series .

  28. 这个假日将会看见美国的全球定位系统(GPS)-从汽车司机到内地滑雪的人任何人使用的定位导航工具的重要竞争者的初次登场。

    This holiday season will see the debut of a serious competitor to America 's Global Positioning System ( GPS ) - the navigational aid used by everyone from car drivers to back-country skiers .

  29. 就苹果(Apple)而言,iPhone5有许多令人眩目的新特性,例如天衣无缝的纤细造型,抑或是闪亮登场的“闪电”充电接口。

    For its part , apple ( AAPL ) has done a good job marketing features like its meticulously machined thinner body and an even trimmer " lightning " charging cord .

  30. 尽管如此,哥伦比亚的中场队员胡安·库亚德拉多也在6月14日对阵希腊的C组小组赛中踏上了一双黑色战靴(即使带有一道黄色闪电标志)登场。

    An honourable mention , though , goes to Colombian playmaker Juan Cuadrado , who stepped out in a pair of black boots ( albeit with a yellow flash ) for the Group C clash with Greece on 14 June .