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  1. 文中着重讨论了采用二维电扫相控阵天线后3D雷达性能的改善和应用潜力。

    The performance improvement of 3D Radar with 2D-electronically scanning antenna is discussed in this paper in detail .

  2. 为了满足对新一代3D雷达的需求,采用在方位与仰角上进行电扫的相控阵天线有重要意义。

    In order to satisfy the requirements to new tactical 3D radars , it is necessary to develop phased array antenna with electronically scanning capability both in elevation and in azimuth .

  3. 有源电扫阵列(AESA)是当前或未来雷达系统的缩影。

    Active Electronically Steerable Array ( AESA ) is the epitome of present or future radar systems .

  4. 有源电扫阵列开发成本的模型

    Model of Cost for Active Electronically Steerable Array Development

  5. 随机误差对电扫阵列天线副瓣和方向性系数的影响

    The Effect of Random Error on the Sidelobes and Directivity of Phased Array Antenna

  6. 二维电扫三坐标雷达技术应用分析

    Analysis of 3D Radar with 2D-electronically Scanning Antenna

  7. 电扫三坐标雷达视频模拟

    Video Simulation of Electronic Scanning 3D Radar

  8. 对矿区进行了双频激电扫面和激电测深研究,并且对异常区做了评价。

    Research of dual-frequency induced polarization scanning and induced polarization sounding were performed in the deposit and anomalous areas were evaluated .

  9. 在分析电扫恒差比幅测向原理的基础上,讨论了设置诱饵情况下无人机截获系统测向的误差;

    Based on electronic scan constant difference amplitude comparison direction measurement ( CDAC ) theory , the error formula of constant different amplitude comparison direction measurement in radar interception system of UAV is discussed under the condition of decoy .

  10. 基于波导&矢网系统的微波介质介电参数扫频测量方法研究

    Study on Swept-Frequency Measurement of Complex Permittivity Based on Microwave Dielectric

  11. 复合亚铁是通过氧化还原、吸附电中和及卷扫三种作用机理起混凝作用的。

    The compound ferrous removes colloid particles in water by charge oxidation-reduction , neutralization and furl mechanism .