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  • 网络New Dynasty;New Kingdom
  1. 新王朝期间创造了埃及帝国文明于世的黄金时期;

    The period of the New Kingdom is best known as the time during which Egypt created an empire .

  2. 为了给自己所建立的新王朝创造一个和平安定的国际环境,明太祖朱元璋开始制定了睦邻友好的和平外交政策。

    For creating peaceful international environment for new dynasty , Chu Yuanzhang started establishing peaceful diplomatic policy .

  3. 苹果,也许并不是个例外,它可能预示着商业世界一个新王朝的开始。

    What if Apple , rather than being the exception , is the rule that defines a new era in business ?

  4. 是新王朝的统治者并不是起义军的领袖,而是来自东北中国的另一个少数民族&满族。

    Ironically , the ruler of the new dynasty was not the leader of the farmer rebellion , but someone from Manchuria in Northern China .

  5. 它根本不能认为,这种马是你们自己的开始,一个新王朝的创始人和种马几乎是超自然的优生。

    It simply cannot be argued that this stallion is a beginning unto himself , the founder of a new dynasty and a stallion of almost supernatural prepotency .

  6. 中国,一个新王朝的兴起:随着美国在伊拉克被套牢,一个新的强权登场了。本期讨论如何应对。

    China , dawn of a new dynasty : With the U.S.tied down in Iraq , a new superpower has arrived . Here 's how to deal with it .

  7. 南朝时期霸府统治的时间都不长久,集一代人之力就完成了霸府向新王朝的转变。

    The rule of the overlord departments in the Southern Dynasty did not last long and was usually replaced by a new dynasty through the efforts of one generation .

  8. 渤海世家大族以原渤海国的王族和右姓为主,尽管它们在新王朝统治下发展情况并不相同。

    The Po-hai great families consisted mainly of the King family and other famous families of the former Po-hai State , though they developed differently under the government of the new dynasty .

  9. 他真的建立了新的王朝。

    He 's built a new empire .

  10. 但是直到新巴比伦王朝,美索不达米亚文明才达到了它的鼎盛时期。

    It was not until the reign of the Neo-Babylonian dynasty that the Mesopotamian civilization reached its ultimate glory .

  11. 太平天国运动一开始就是一场以推翻清王朝,建立新的王朝太平天国为目的的农民战争。

    Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement is a peasant war whose goal is to overturn Qing Dynasty and build up its own new Dynasty since it began .

  12. 被迫纳入隋朝统治范畴的南方政治集团,在新的王朝经历了由衰微到兴起,再到沉寂的际遇。

    Forced into the category of the sui dynasty ruled southern political group , experienced decline to rise , the opportunity to silence at the new dynasty .

  13. 到了这个时候,一切都很明了,新的王朝不可能存在太长时间。将军和士兵们开始向唐朝变节。

    By this time , it was clear that the new kingdom would not last long , and generals and soldiers alike started to defect to the Tang army .

  14. 亨利会留下来建立新的枪手王朝吗?

    Will he stay here and set up a new Gooner 's Dynasty ?

  15. 在17世纪早期,新的罗马诺王朝继续从西伯利亚往太平洋扩张。

    In the early17th century , a new Romanov Dynasty continued this policy of expansion across Siberia to the Pacific .

  16. 天下一统是此时出现的新形势,儒生在此形势下积极参与新王朝的政治建设。

    A world series was the new situation which appeared at the time , the Confucian scholar positively participated in the political construction of the new dynasty in this new situation .

  17. 这一时期多是歌颂新朝和献计献策的文章,表现了文人对于新王朝的拥护和参政的热情。

    This period is more than North Korea and sing the praises of the new ideas of the article , the performance of a new dynasty literati support and enthusiasm in politics .