
  • Kisses;First Kiss
  1. 他想起了他们的初吻,露出了微笑。

    He smiled at the remembrance of their first kiss .

  2. 初吻令人心潮澎湃。

    The first kiss is dynamite .

  3. 麦考利·卡尔金的银幕初吻来自于忸怩作态的11岁童星安娜·克鲁姆斯基。

    Macaulay Culkin receives his first screen kiss from cutesy 11-year-old Anna Chlumsky .

  4. 布莱斯·罗斯基仍然欠我一个初吻。

    Bryce Loski was still walking around with my first kiss .

  5. 或你初吻那天正在播放的歌曲CD。

    Or the CD might include the melody that played when you first kissed .

  6. 在他们各自深爱父母的葬礼上,悲伤、好奇加之荷尔蒙冲昏了头脑,小Ned和这个叫做Chuck的女孩儿初吻了,这也是他们俩唯一一次接吻。

    Narrator : At their respective parents'funerals , dizzy with grief , curiosity and hormones , young Ned and a girl named Chuck had their first and only kiss .

  7. 跟随VideoJug的建议,如你想像的那样拥有甜蜜的初吻。

    Follow VideoJug 's guide to the perfect kiss , and kiss for the first time the way you always imagined .

  8. 当卡罗尔·哈里斯(CarolHarris)在三年级的戏剧表演里扮演睡美人的时候,和她一起主演的乔治·雷恩斯(GeorgeRaynes)就吻了她。乔治扮演王子,那是他的初吻。

    When Carol Harris starred as Sleeping Beauty in a third grade play , her co-star George Raynes " laid a big wet one on her . " George was playing the prince and had just initiated his first kiss .

  9. 业余电影制作人TatiaPilieva用一个动人的YouTube视频捕获了短暂的人际互动:初吻。短片揭露了陌生人间的初吻带来的阵阵紧张和笑声。

    Amateur filmmaker Tatia Pilieva has captured that most transient of human interactions on YouTube - the first kiss - in a touching video that reveals the wave of nerves and laughter it seems to bring us .

  10. 有些人再去他们初吻地方的时候。

    When some people visit the place of their first kiss .

  11. 哦,对,我当然还记得我的初吻。

    Oh , Yes , I surely remembered my first kiss .

  12. 告诉你啊今晚我终于献出了我的初吻

    Well , Charlie , I finally got my first kiss tonight

  13. 这里,是初吻和求婚的理想之地。

    The ideal place for a first kiss or a perfect proposal .

  14. 所以,总而言之,这算是我的初吻。

    So , in a way , this was my first kiss .

  15. 只有初吻才是真正的吻。

    The first kiss is the only real kiss in your relationship .

  16. 交接成功了,即使初吻并不是和我。

    Handover successful , even if the first kiss and not and I.

  17. 十个女人之中有八个相信初吻…

    here eight out of 10 women believe that the first kiss ...

  18. 我奉献初吻的男人,便是我后来的丈夫。

    I married the first man I ever kissed .

  19. 不要让紧张毁了你的初吻。

    Don 't let nerves ruin your first kiss .

  20. 人生的某些经历很难忘却,就像你的初吻。

    Some experiences are hard to forget , like perhaps your first kiss .

  21. 这就是爸爸怎么抢走本属于我的初吻的

    So that 's how dad got my first kiss

  22. 我的初吻是在18岁。

    I didn 't even have my first kiss until I was eighteen .

  23. 我的初吻就是在那座城墙上献出的

    First kiss I ever had was on that rampart

  24. 你还有可能在这儿得到你的初吻

    You also might get your first kiss here

  25. 荧幕初吻你希望献给谁?为什么?

    To whom below would you like to give your first screen kiss and why ?

  26. 随后他们接吻了,在歌剧院的那道门边。那是他们的初吻。

    Then they kissed , there by the door of the Opera House.Their first kiss .

  27. 初吻能告诉他们想知道关于两个人关系的一切。

    The first kiss will tell them everything they need to know about a relationship .

  28. 很多男孩子都喜欢她,追她,我是那个给她初吻的人。

    Every boy was after her , and I was the one that got her .

  29. 我认为荧幕上的初吻

    I think there was a first-kiss moment

  30. 还在等待着我的初吻

    was stillwalking aroundwith my first kiss .