
  • 网络the initial phases;initial phase angle;epoch angle
  1. 文中讨论了转子盘的陀螺效应,静、动不平衡,内、外阻尼和静不平衡量的初相角等多种因素对瞬态响应的影响。

    The influences of gyroscopic effect of the rotor , external and internal damping as well as the initial phase angle of static unbalance on the transient response are discussed .

  2. 最后通过暂态仿真软件ATP进行了仿真,仿真结果证实了上述原理的有效性,并不受故障初相角和过渡电阻的影响。

    This criterion will not be affected by fault initial phase angle and transition resistance . The effectiveness of the criterion has been verified by the ATP simulation results . A new criterion for fault line selection based on the maximum of zero-sequence transient current is proposed .

  3. 通过对500kV变压器在不同合闸初相角及剩磁状态下空载合闸时的励磁涌流与变压器正常状态下的励磁电流的仿真分析,验证了该模型的正确性。

    Simulation of the transformer magnetic inrush current under different closing phase angle , remanent magnetization and the normal current .

  4. 并分析了影响其抑振效果的三个因素:转速变化幅值,频率以及初相角。

    That are the amplitude changes of rotation speed frequency , and initial phase angle .

  5. 光波测距仪检测中初相角误差对周期误差的影响分析

    Analysis of the Periodic Error Affected by the Initial Phase Error in the EDM Measuring

  6. 还分析了输入信号初相角φ对输出的影响。

    The effetes of the original phase angle of the input signal on the output were also analysed .

  7. 因此对电力系统中的电压闪变的包络线与初相角进行实时跟踪就具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。

    Wherefore real-time trace voltage flicker ' envelope and initial phase angle proceed with possess important theory sense and practical meaning among power system .

  8. 在不同的待测初相角下,非整数周期的影响不同,相对相位误差变化很大,最终影响流量测量值的瞬态误差、稳态误差及零点漂移。

    The small non-integer multiples portion of the sample might influence the transient error , steady-state error , and zero drift of the CMF .

  9. 正向检测(沿轧制方向)时,最高谱线的初相角随夹杂物体积百分数的增加而迅速增加;

    The initial phase angle of the highest spectral line mushrooms with the growth of volume percentage of inclusions while forward direction , but it goes down while negative direction .

  10. 提出了用连杆式机械传动实现结晶器的非正弦振动,通过改变连杆机构的杆长比和初相角可以得到不同的非正弦振动波形。

    Non sinusoidal of mold can be obtained by use of the bar linkage mechanism and different non sinusoidal oscillation wave shape is obtained by different bar length ratio and original phase angle .

  11. 基于此,在不同故障位置、不同故障电阻、不同故障初相角等故障条件下,通过比较各条馈线上零序暂态电压与积分电荷的二维图像关系,验证了理论分析的正确性。

    The conclusion has been proved with the simulation in different fault location , different fault resistance and different fault phase angle by comparing the relationship of zero sequence transient voltage and integral charge in the two-dimensional image .

  12. 本文对如何利用傅氏算法来求取正确的基波或某次谐波初相角方法分二种情况进行了研究,分析了原因,提出了改进办法,仿真试验证明效果良好。

    In this paper , researched how to extract the correct origin phase angle of fundamental wave or harmonic in three cases , and analyzed the cause of faults , the author gives improved methods that show good effect in simulation test .

  13. 简谐振动初位相的确定相角测量系统的数据处理

    Date Processing In the Phase Angle Measuring System