
chū bù
  • preliminary;initial;tentative;first step
初步 [chū bù]
  • [initial] 属于或关于开始阶段的

  • 初步成果

  • 初步概算

初步[chū bù]
  1. 本次初步会议的目标是澄清这些问题。

    The aim of this initial meeting is to clarify the issues .

  2. 初步动员安排到位。

    The initial mobilisation was well organised .

  3. 据初步认定,证据对他极其不利。

    Prima facie , there is a strong case against him .

  4. 昨天开始了关于基地未来的初步讨论。

    Preliminary talks on the future of the bases began yesterday .

  5. 初步结果显示共和党获得了11%的选票。

    Preliminary results show the Republican party with 11 percent of the vote

  6. 这只是初步的想法,并非成形的提议。

    It was an embryo idea rather than a fully worked proposal .

  7. 这本书基本上会让那些不熟悉该学科的人对其有个初步了解。

    The book is essentially a taster for those unfamiliar with the subject .

  8. 三菱汽车急于在欧洲市场上取得初步的立足之地。

    Mitsubishi Motors were anxious to get a toehold in the European market .

  9. 一些初步民意调查显示他处于领先位置。

    Some preliminary polls show him out in front .

  10. 政治领导人已就下个月举行预备会议达成初步协定。

    Political leaders have reached a tentative agreement to hold a preparatory conference next month

  11. 这个项目是两国商业合作的初步成果之一。

    This project is one of the first fruits of commercial co-operation between the two countries .

  12. 回到谈判桌旁的决定标志着工会的初步胜利。

    The decision to return to the negotiating table marks an early victory for trade unions .

  13. 大学校园变得日益多种族化,通过校园可以对未来社会将要面对的诸多冲突有一个初步的认识。

    As university campuses become increasingly multi-ethnic , they offer a glimpse of the conflicts society will face tomorrow .

  14. 初步调查显示是空中客车上的制动系统失灵。

    Preliminary investigations show the braking system on the Airbus had failed .

  15. 体格检查是参军的初步。

    A physical examination is a preliminary to joining the army .

  16. 他们初步交换意见,为建立新关系定了调子。

    Their first exchange set the tone for a new relationship .

  17. 他对这一科只有初步的认识。

    He has only a rudimentary knowledge of the subject .

  18. 我有一个初步的想法。

    I have the germ of an idea .

  19. 吉姆初步计划把他的车库改造成一个蒸汽浴室。

    Jim 's got some half-baked idea about converting his garage into a sauna .

  20. 这只是初步想法,以后我将详加说明。

    This is only a rough idea ; I 'll go into top particulars later on .

  21. 设计和销售互动广告的BrightLineITV认为该领域的利润已经初步浮现,它预计自己的收入本年将会增长到三倍。

    BrightLine iTV , which designs and sells interactive ads , says interest has surged : it expects its revenues almost to triple this year .

  22. 普渡大学开展初步试验,以评估学生们的批判性思维能力。

    Purdue now has a pilot test to assess students ' critical thinking skills .

  23. 对墨西哥税收的初步审查发现,被收税的酒水购买力下降,而未征税的更健康饮品的销售量却有所上升。

    A preliminary review of Mexico 's taxation found a fall in purchases of taxed drinks as well as a rise in sales of untaxed and healthier drinks .

  24. 这本小册子使我们对国外的生活情况有了初步了解

    The booklet initiates us into the problems of living abroad .

  25. 他们正在为应付一场可能的战争做初步的准备。

    They are taking preliminary steps in preparation for a possible war .

  26. 本文就这一问题做一个初步的分析。

    The article does an abecedarian analysis with respect to this one problem .

  27. 我没有费多少时间就学会了这一语言的初步知识。

    It do not take me long to pick up the rudiment of the language .

  28. 这3座建筑都建于3世纪,并且初步鉴定为神庙。

    All three structures dated to the third century and were tentatively identified as shrines .

  29. 在上个月的初步听证会中,各方对获得财政支持表示担忧。

    At preliminary hearings last month , concerns were expressed about access to financial support .

  30. Ⅰ/Ⅱ期临床试验初步结果显示,疫苗能够触发3到17岁接种者体内的免疫反应,多数不良反应轻微。

    Preliminary results from Phase I and II clinical trials showed the vaccine reactions were mild .