
  • 网络Primary;primary sludge
  1. 目前国内外以发酵初沉污泥产生VFA的研究和应用较多。

    At present , the researches and applications of the fermentation of primary sludge is the most common .

  2. 初沉污泥作为生物脱氮除磷快速碳源的转化因素研究

    Study on primary sludge hydrolysis as biological nitrogen and phosphorous removal

  3. SRT对初沉污泥水解酸化影响的试验研究

    Influence of SRT on Hydrolysis and Acidification of Primary Sludge

  4. 采用恒温水浴控制水解酸化池的温度为35℃,研究了HRT、SRT和污泥回流比对初沉污泥水解酸化的影响。

    The temperature of hydrolysis and acidification reactor was controlled by thermostatic waterbath and the temperature was 35 ℃ . Effects of HRT 、 SRT and sludge recycle ratio on hydrolysis and acidification of primary sludge were studied .

  5. 初沉污泥厌氧水解/酸化产物作为生物脱氮除磷系统碳源的试验研究

    Products from primary sludge fermentation as a carbon source for denitrification and phosphorus removal

  6. 初沉污泥的掺入会阻碍颗粒的解体。

    The addition of primary sludge to waste activated sludge hampered the disaggregation of sludge particles .

  7. 国内外对污泥厌氧水解产酸的研究多集中于使用初沉污泥或初沉和二沉污泥的混合污泥。

    The studies on the fermentation of sludge in the literature mainly focus on the treatment of the primary or its mixture with excessive sludge .

  8. 结果表明,与单独采用聚合氯化铝混凝的初沉污泥和剩余污泥相比,经聚合氯化铝与聚丙烯酰胺联合混凝的污泥,其厌氧消化性能更理想。

    The results show that combined coagulated sludge by polyaluminium chloride plus polyacrylamide has better digestibility than excess sludge or primary sludge coagulated only by polyaluminium chloride .

  9. 以城市污水处理厂的初沉污泥与剩余污泥的混合污泥为对象,研究了影响污泥好氧消化处理的各项因素。

    Appling the mixed sludge of raw sludge and waste activated sludge from sewage waste water treatment plant , this paper studies the factors during aerobic digestion process .

  10. 消化稳定后,冻融初沉污泥及冻融剩余污泥累计产气量分别较原泥提高了56.2%和27.5%。

    At stable conditions of anaerobic digestion , the cumulative gas production of freezing / thawing treated primary and secondary sludge increased by 56.2 % and 27.5 % , respectively .

  11. 国内外的研究多集中于初沉污泥或初沉污泥和剩余污泥的混合污泥的处理,单独研究剩余污泥水解酸化产挥发性脂肪酸的甚少。

    Domestic and international studies focus on the treatment of primary sludge or the mixture of primary sludge WAS , while there are few studies on hydrolysis and acidification of the WAS .

  12. 城市污水处理厂产生的污泥按照来源的不同可以分为初沉污泥和剩余污泥,总量约占处理水量的0.3% ̄0.5%(以含水率97%计)。

    E. , primary and secon-dary sludges . They account for 0.3 % - 0.5 % of the treatment wastewater quantity , if the water containing ratio of sludge is 97 % .

  13. 本论文以初沉污泥为底物,采用两级完全混合水解酸化工艺进行碳源开发。

    For the problem of shortage of carbon resource in the sewage , primary sludge would be used as substrate to develop carbon resource with two-stage complete mixing hydrolysis and acidification process .

  14. 鉴于化学污泥的粘滞系数高于常规初沉污泥,在排泥管及污泥泵房的设计时,管道坡度和水头损失计算宜留有适当的富余空间。

    For the viscidity coefficient of chemical sludge is bigger than that of the sludge from conventional primary settling tank , the gradient of pipeline and the loss of water head ought to be ample properly in the design of the sludge-pipeline and sludge-pump .

  15. 初沉污泥水解产物的脱氮速率分别为城市污水、初沉污泥脱氮速率的3倍和12倍,为常规使用的外加碳源(甲醇)脱氮速率的1.33倍。

    The denitrification rate with hydrolysate was three times and twelve times as much as denitrification rates with wastewater and raw sludge respectively . Moreover , the denitrification rate with hydrolysate increased by 1 / 3 , compared with the corresponding value with external carbon source .

  16. 污水处理过程中,不同污泥的理化特性存在明显差异,最终处理污泥的特性主要受初沉池污泥特性的影响。

    The physicochemical properties of sludge differed from sludges generated from different treatment stages of the treatment process .

  17. NP的迁出与去除途径包括:初沉池生污泥和二沉池活性污泥的吸附作用,曝气池内的生物降解作用以及随处理出水的排放。

    The NP transference ways and removal routes from wastewater treatment system include the adsorption by the primary sedimentation sludge and the activated sludge of secondary sedimentation tank , the biodegradation in aerated tank , and the discharge with the effluent .

  18. 城市污泥是城市污水处理厂经各级处理净化污水而产生的沉积物,主要来自初沉池和剩余污泥的排放。

    Sewage sludge which mainly comes from the primary settling tank and discharge of surplus sludge is the deposit produced in each operating unit in municipal wastewater treatment plant .