
  • 网络hard decision;HD-FEC
  1. 一方面是讨论输出硬判决的SD。

    One is SD with hard decision .

  2. 利用维特比算法(VA)进行判决,给出与硬判决自适应方案的比较结果。

    The output decision of the method is made by viterbi algorithm ( VA ) and the results are compared with that from hard decision .

  3. 最近质点滤波器被提出用作贝尔实验室分层空时(BLAST)结构的硬判决检测方法。

    Recently , a particle filtering ( PF ) has been used as a hard detection of the Bell Laboratories Layered Space-Time ( BLAST ) scheme .

  4. 在对WLAN应用环境下的无线信道进行建模分析的基础上,分析了卷积编码的性能,并对维特比硬判决及软判决译码进行了比较。

    Base on the mode of WLAN wireless channel environment , the performance of convolutional encoding and its Viterbi Hard-decision and soft-decision decoding algorithm is analysed and compared .

  5. 详细研究了OQPSK调制解调中载波恢复的原理以及系统的FPGA实现,本论文采用硬判决COSTAS环算法实现了大宽带数据的载波恢复。

    Study the theory of carrier recovery of OQPSK modem and the FPGA realization . The thesis use COSTAS loop to realize high-speed data carrier recovery .

  6. 为了提高每个迭代级检测的可靠性,该文将当前级已经检测出的能量较强用户的硬判决值用于重构当前级能量较弱用户的多址干扰(MAI)。

    In order to improve the detection reliability of each iterative stage , the stronger users'current stage hard decisions are used to regenerate the weaker users'multiple access interference ( MAI ) .

  7. 给出了Gallager软判决和硬判决译码算法的详细推导和证明,对置信传播译码算法在不同码长和迭代次数下进行了仿真和性能分析。

    It is provided the detailed deduction and demonstration of the Gallager soft and hard decision decoding algorithm .

  8. 通过在接收端解使用BPSK解调、均衡加硬判决的方法,我们分析了分别使用MRC和EGC时的BER性能。

    By making a BPSK demodulation and equalization plus hard-decision-decoding at the receiver , we analyze the BER performances when MRC and EGC are used at the receiver as the combining technique .

  9. 低密度奇偶校验(low-DensityParity-check,LDPC)码的混合译码结合了软判决译码和硬判决译码的特点,利用部分信道信息计算硬判决序列的可靠度,实现性能与复杂度的折衷。

    Hybrid decoding for low-density parity-check ( LDPC ) codes combines the features of hard-decision and soft-decision decoding . In hybrid decoding , reliability measures of hard-decision sequence are obtained from partial channel information .

  10. 因此本文主要研究性能更好的RS码软判决译码算法。本文首先介绍RS码相关的基础知识以及时域和频域的编码方法,接着深入研究现在广泛应用的硬判决译码BM算法。

    This thesis mainly treats soft-decision decoding algorithm of RS code . Firstly , in this thesis the fundamental theory of RS code is introduced along with time-domain encoding and frequency-domain encoding . Widely used hard-decision decoding BM algorithm is then given .

  11. 本文提出了一种基于硬判决结果进行反馈的简化迭代解映射算法,运算复杂度从O(m2m)降低到了O(m),更利于实际应用。

    This paper proposes a new simple iterative de-mapping algorithm based on hard decision , which has a lower complexity and facilitates the application in practice .

  12. 当最大的译码深度增加到6时,均衡器收敛的门限进一步降低了3dB,从而比硬判决时均衡器的收敛门限降低9dB。

    Another 3 dB is reduced with decoding depth of 6 . Thus 9 dB in total is reduced compared with hard decision .

  13. 干扰消除后的软信息经过Turbo迭代译码,得到的硬判决信息可以反馈回到V-BLAST的迭代ZF-HIC干扰检测,进行系统级联迭代。

    Soft-information after ZF-HIC detector is sent to Turbo iterative decoding and the resulting hard decision-information can be sent back to V-BLAST detector again to further update and improve the performance of ZF-HIC detector .

  14. 快速硬判决捕错译码(FHETD)和快速软判决捕错译码(FSETD)

    Fast Hard-decision Error Trap Decoding ( FHETD ) and Fast Soft-decision Error Trap Decoding ( FSETD )

  15. Pless〔1〕证明了三元(12,6,6)Golay码具有一种双层结构,并据此给出了该码的快速硬判决译码算法。

    Pless [ 1 ] showed that ternary ( 12,6,6 ) Golay code has a two-level structure , and proposed a fast hard decision decoding algorithm for the code accordingly .

  16. 因为分组码的软判决是以硬判决译码为基础的,因此本文以BCH码(RS码)为重点,介绍了常用的分组码译码算法,包括捕错译码算法及其修正算法,BM迭代译码算法。

    Because the SSD of block codes is based on Hard Decision Decoding , we take BCH codes ( RS codes ) as an important point to introduce the normal block codes decoding algorithms , including Error-Trapping Decoding algorithm and its modified algorithm , BM iterative algorithm .

  17. 在离散密度进化分析中,使用了Gallager最早提出的硬判决译码算法,获得了迭代译码中误码率的进化,得到在一定初始误码率的条件下,译码误码率的收敛情况。

    In the scatter density evolution analysis , we get the evolution of the bit error probability in iterative decoding and the convergence of it under the control of a given original bit error probability .

  18. 其中,在硬判决译码中,以HDD-BM算法为例,仿真实现了编译码过程,并分析了在相同码长不同码率前提下的译码性能。

    Generally speaking , in hard decision decoding , we take HDD-BM for example , and realize the simulation of encoding and decoding process , then compare the decoding performance between the codes who have the same code length while different code rates .

  19. DS/CDMA系统中硬判决相关接收性能分析

    Performance Analysis of Hard-Limiting Correlation Reception in DS / CDMA System

  20. 基于硬判决的多用户检测遗传算法改进

    Improvement of Genetic Algorithm of Multiuser Detection Based on Hard Decision

  21. 异步码分多址硬判决并行干扰消除算法的改进高斯近似分析

    An analysis of HD-Parallel interference cancellation in for DS-CDMA using improved Gaussian approximation

  22. 首先,计算接收序列的后验概率值并作硬判决处理。

    In the first , calculate the posterior probability value and make hard decision .

  23. 一种新的硬判决并行干扰消除算法

    A New Algorithm for Hard-Decision Parallel Interference Cancellation

  24. 在此基础上给出了一种低传输开销的硬判决法并通过仿真得到其性能。

    Based on this , a low transmitting overhead hard decision and its performance is shown .

  25. 构造了两个分别用于图论码的硬判决译码和软判决译码的前向神经网络,并证明所构造的前向神经网络能够实现图论码的最小汉明距离译码和最小软距离译码。

    Two feedforward neural networks for hard-decision decoding and soft-decision de-coding to graph theoretic code were constructed .

  26. 非相干硬判决多进制直扩系统的门限选取判决反馈的算法。

    On M-ary DS / SS Communication Systems with Incoherent Hard Decision and Choice of Optimun Threshold decision-directed algorithm .

  27. 首先,利用信道传递给变量节点的初始概率值进行硬判决并计算伴随式。

    Firstly , utilize the initial probability value of channel to get hard decision and then calculate the syndrome .

  28. 采用硬判决的方法进行误差估计,将误差反馈到下一同类型的子载波处进行系数更新。最后,将提出的信道估计算法进行了仿真。

    Using hard-decision method to estimate error and feed error back to next sub-carrier . Finally , the proposed channel estimation algorithm was simulated .

  29. 基于双多进值正交扩频系统非相干解调的硬判决信息不利于软输入软输出译码,提出了一种新型软判决信息提取算法。

    This paper presented a novel decision scheme with soft output for SISO decoding when noncoherent receiver for dual M-ray orthogonal spreading symbols is employed .

  30. 第五章首先介绍软判决的基本原理,然后分析软信息提取及解映射的过程,最后给出了软判决译码和硬判决译码的性能仿真结果。

    Chapter five discusses de-mapping and soft information extraction in DVB-T receiver and gives the performance comparison of soft decision decoding and hard decision decoding .