
  • 网络code hero
  1. 厄内斯特·海明威以战争主题、硬汉形象和冰山风格而享誉世界。

    Ernest Hemingway is famous for the theme of war , code hero and iceberg principle .

  2. 同时,他给人们展示了在“压力下保持优雅风度”的“硬汉形象”。

    At the same time , he created a " code hero " who shows " grace under pressure " .

  3. 对海明威硬汉形象的精神解读

    A Spiritual Understanding to Hemingway 's Image of Man of Iron

  4. 这个有血有肉的硬汉形象曾经打动过无数人的心灵。

    This vivid dauntless manimage has moved the innumerable people 's mind .

  5. 博尔顿的攻城铁锤代为斯在忧虑他正在丢失他的硬汉形象。

    Bolton Wanderers battering ram Kevin Davies is worried he is losing his hard-man image .

  6. 海明威笔下硬汉形象的成长轨迹

    The Development of Hemingway 's Code Heroes

  7. 在近40年的创作生涯中,海明威塑造了许许多多的“硬汉形象”。

    In the writing career of nearly 40 years , Hemingway created many images of dauntless persons .

  8. 他总给人以一种阳刚之气,显示出硬汉形象,善于适应环境,独立自主,热爱运动,坚定不移。

    Always male , he was regarded as a hardy type , adaptable , independent , sport loving and resolute .

  9. 而国内外评论界对海明威的评论最多的正是他的“硬汉形象”和“虚无思想”。

    Comments from critics at home and abroad mostly talk about his " code hero " and " nothingness thoughts " .

  10. 在多年的掌权过程中,普京给公众创造了一种硬汉形象。

    In the course of his many years in power , Putin has cultivated the image of a strong and vigorous leader .

  11. 习惯于展示硬汉形象的普京加入到正在训练中的俄罗斯国家柔道队里来了。

    Putin , who is no stranger to macho photo ops , joined Russia 's National Judo Team during a training session .

  12. 从《老人与海》看海明威小说硬汉形象的塑造

    On the Portrait of " the Man of Iron " in Hemingway 's Novels in View of The Old Man and the Sea

  13. 论《儒林外史》中老年人形象的文化内蕴论《老人与海》中桑提亚哥的硬汉形象

    An Analysis on the Cultural Connotation of the Aged about The Scholars On Santiago 's Code Hero in The Old Man and The Sea

  14. 他把其自身富有传奇色彩的悲剧人生故事和独特别样的生命体验融入他的悲剧艺术写作之中,创造出了海明威式的硬汉形象,人们亦称为准则英雄。

    His legendary life story has already become an essential part of his artistic creation , from which a unique tragic hero typical of Hemingway was created .

  15. 连姆尼森在电影中饰演过很多硬汉形象,但是今早你会看到一个截然不同的他。

    Lian Neeson has played a share of tough guys in the movies , but this morning you are gonna see a very different side of the man .

  16. 另外,普京先生的受欢迎率保持得很高,这都归因于他所声称的已经恢复的国家稳定和发展以及他在维护国家利益时的硬汉形象。

    Besides , Mr Putin 's popularity rating remains high , thanks to the stability and growth he claims to have delivered and his tough-guy defence of national interests .

  17. 因此,海明威经常被评论家们定义为一名描写硬汉形象的作家。很多评论家甚至宣称:海明威不会塑造女性,在海明威的小说中,女性是被排斥在外的。

    Thus Hemingway was often stereotyped as a masculine writer . Critics once declared that Hemingway could not depict women images or that he was better at depicting men without women .

  18. 伊斯特伍德在大众心目中的声望来自他扮演的硬汉形象“通心面条西部片”中的无名氏和强悍警察哈里卡拉汉。

    Eastwood 's reputation in the popular mind rests on the tough characters he played & the man with no name in the " spaghetti westerns " and hard cop Harry callahan .

  19. 保罗•因斯自诩为“大都督”。在1997年“大都督”来到安菲尔德以前,当他效力西汉姆,曼联和国际米兰时,保罗•因斯的硬汉形象早已是名声在外。

    The self-proclaimed'Guv'nor ' , Incey arrived at Anfield in the summer of1997 with a tough guy reputation that had been forged during his time with West Ham , Man Utd and Inter Milan .

  20. 1952年海明威发表了中篇小说《老人与海》,塑造了以桑提亚哥为代表的“可以把他消灭,但就是打不败他”的“硬汉形象”;

    Hemingway in1952 published a novella ," Old Man and the Sea ", created to Santiago represented " to the eradication of his , but he is playing undefeated " and " tough guy image ";

  21. 海明威以其富有传奇色彩的一生,塑造的一系列硬汉形象,以“迷惘”的主题和冰山风格写作原则,奠定了他在世界文学史上的地位。

    Hemingway , with his legend life , the " tough guy " images created in his novels , the theme of " the Lost Generation " and the Iceberg Writing Principles , establishes his position in the world literature .

  22. 但是由于不同的文化环境和时代背景,“硬汉”形象及其刻画细节亦存在许多差异。

    But as a result of different cultural environments and the time background , there exists many differences among " the tough man " and portraying details .

  23. 他坚强的性格和丰富的阅历使他创造出了一个又一个宁折不弯的“硬汉”形象,这是给后人留下的宝贵的精神财富。

    His unyielding character and rich experiences help him to create dozens of images of " unyielding man ", which is valuable for the oncoming generations as morals .

  24. 美国著名作家海明威以其含蓄简约的冰山文体、独特的叙事风格,在他的作品中的树造了一大批硬汉的形象,深受世人好评。

    The great American writer Ernest Hemingway is highly evaluated by the readers over the world for his implied , concise and iceberg theory , the unique narrating style and lots of heroes .

  25. 许多学者认为海明威虽然成就突出,但却歧视女性,这也是为什么在他的作品中多次出现硬汉的形象,有些评论家甚至称他为憎恶女性的男人。

    Many researchers have argued that Hemingway was a great writer but with discrimination against women , so that is why there are many images of " masculine guys " in his works . Some critics even call him a " woman-hating " man .

  26. 通过回忆和解读海明威人生的细节,亨特克里森找到了一个聪明的方式来展现,这位不幸,敏感,脆弱的硬汉公众的形象怎么会在家的好。

    By evoking and interpreting Hemingway 's smaller moments , the author has found an ingenious way of showing how this unhappy and vulnerable man was generally nicer outside his family than in it .

  27. 海明威沿为我们展示了一位有着硬汉性格的老人圣地亚哥,并使之成为硬汉形象的代表。

    In line with his traditional style Hemingway described a vivid image of the rugged old man Santiago .