
  1. 球形铸造碳化钨硬面材料生产新方法

    A new method for producing hard-facing material of spherical cast tungsten carbide

  2. 评述了粗晶碳化钨粉的各种特殊性能,列举了用粗昌碳化钨粉制成的合金及粗晶碳化钨粉在硬面材料中的多种多样的用途。

    Various properties of coarse-grain WC powder are described , as well as the alloys made by coarse-grain WC powder and its uses of all kinds in hard-surface materials .

  3. 该机床的成功研制为短电弧加工技术的深入研究奠定了基础,同时对硬面材料加工研究具有一定的参考价值。

    It is believed that it is of great importance to the study of short arc machining technique , and is valuable to the study of the machining of the hard surfacing material as well .

  4. 硬质合金喷镀粉是一种新型硬面材料,主要应用于各种发动机、往复轴、大型风机叶片及密封圈等抗高温、耐磨损元件上,对物理性能的要求特别严格。

    Cemented carbide sprayed powder is a new hard material , mainly used for high temperature resistant and wear resistant parts in various motors , shafts , large fan vanes and seal rings , etc , with extremely strict requirement for its physical properties .

  5. 不同应力状态下硬面涂层材料的疲劳强度

    Fatigue Strength of Hard Coating in Different Stress States

  6. 短电弧切削技术的成功应用,丰富了特种加工领域的技术种类,它为硬面导电材料的加工提供了一种高效实用的技术手段。

    The successful application of SEAM technique enriched the technical types in the field of special processing . It provides a practical technical means with highly efficient for processing hard electric materials .

  7. 硬面药芯焊丝材料的新进展

    New Developments of Cored Wire Materials for Hardfacing