
  • 网络Goodbye Columbus
  1. 作为当代美国文坛杰出的犹太裔作家,自其第一部作品《再见哥伦布》问世以来,菲利普·罗斯在其写作生涯中取得了巨大成就。

    As the eminent Jewish American writer in American literary world , Philip Roth has attained great success in his literary world since the publication of his first work Goodbye Columbus .

  2. 美国犹太作家菲利普·罗思,从他发表第一部小说集《再见哥伦布以及五部短篇小说》开始,就受到犹太批评家和犹太拉比的反犹主义指控。

    From the first book Goodbye , Columbus and Five Short Stories , the Jewish critics and rabbis charged the American Jewish writer Philip Roth with anti-Semitism .

  3. 菲利普·罗斯1959年发表的中篇小说《再见,哥伦布》以讽刺的手法描写了美国社会中的阶级和宗教问题,书中还另外收录了五个短篇小说。

    The novella Goodbye , Columbus catapulted Roth onto the American literary scene in 1959 with its satirical depiction of class and religion in American life .