
  • 网络once and again;Encore une fois
  1. 雷霆双少再续前缘:拉塞尔·威斯特布鲁克和凯文·杜兰特再一次在NBA全明星赛上在同一支队伍。

    Russell Westbrook and Kevin Durant are on the same NBA All-Star team , yet again .

  2. 发封邮件,或拨个电话告诉他们你希望再续前缘。

    Simply send an email , or call them , and say that you want to rekindle the relationship .

  3. 问题在于,这次再续前缘到底会是天长地久的一段姻缘,还只是另一次昙花一现的迷醉。

    The question is whether the love affair this time will be an enduring one or just another bout of exuberant infatuation .

  4. 西澳国家网球学院首席教练乔·麦卡锡在新的一年也将与“明日之星”再续前缘,第二年任教。

    Coach Joe McCarthy , head coach of the Tennis West Australia National Academy , will return to China for a second year .

  5. 随后娜塔莉亚其他的追求者也接踵而来,包括法国男爵德·安特斯,他娶了娜塔莉亚的妹妹实际上是为了和娜塔莉亚再续前缘。

    Other suitors followed , including the French emigre Baron D'Anthes , who married the sister of Natalya just to continue his courtship of her .