
pín lǜ piāo yí
  • Frequency drift;frequency shift
  1. 尾波场中传播的激光脉冲的频率漂移

    Frequency shift of laser pulse propagating in wakefield

  2. 收信机出现频率漂移。

    The receiver has occurred frequency shift .

  3. 压电DNA传感器检测模式对频率漂移的影响

    Influence of Measurement Modes on Frequency Drifts in Piezoelectricity DNA Detection

  4. 基于Lyapunov指数的铝蜂窝板频率漂移机理分析

    Natural Frequency Decrease Analysis of Aluminum Honeycomb Sandwich Board Based on Lyapunov Exponent

  5. 光纤干涉法监测He-Ne激光器的频率漂移

    The measurement of frequency-shift of He-Ne laser by means of an optical fiber interferometer

  6. 卫星钟频率漂移引起的卫星钟时间与GPS标准时之间的差值称为卫星钟差。

    The difference between GPS satellite clock time and GPS standard time caused by Satellite clock frequency drift is knew as satellite clock error .

  7. 频率漂移下卷积编码DPSK信号的一种新的Viterbi算法

    A New Viterbi Algorithm for Frequency Shifted DPSK Signals with Convolutional Encoding

  8. 失谐量对双光子J-C模型中光场位相扩散及频率漂移的影响

    Influence of the frequency detuning on the phase diffusion and frequency shift of the light in the two-photon J-C model

  9. 对输出负载大范围变化引起的谐振频率漂移,采用与之相对应的微调开关时间,保证了变换器开关的零切换,显著降低了导通、关断时IGBT的损耗。

    The resonant frequency drift caused by wide range of load variation is compensated by adjusting IGBT on-time , which insures true Zero Current Switching ( ZCS ) of the converter .

  10. 来自外星文明的信号将发生多普勒漂移的假设也被采纳到后来所有的SETI项目中,这些项目都无一例外的检查信号的频率漂移。

    The assumption that any alien signal would exhibit a Doppler drift has also been incorporated into all subsequent SETI projects , which invariably check for signals at drifting frequencies .

  11. 将最近Choi提出的一种频率漂移补偿算法纳入Data-aided非相干检测的结构中,从而提出一种适用于频率漂移环境下的Data-aided非相干检测。

    By incorporating the frequency-offset compensation algorithm recently proposed by Choi into the structure of data-aided noncoherent detection , we proposed a new data-aided noncoherent detector for frequency-shifted DPSK signals .

  12. 介质振荡器(DielectricResonatorOscillator,DRO)毙够满足这一要求,同时DRO还具有温度的变化会引起最小的频率漂移来保证接收机被锁定在目的信道和提供高的输出功率来直接驱动混频器工作。

    Dielectric Resonator Oscillator ( DRO ) can meet this requirement and the DRO also has the minimal frequency drift over temperature to keep the receiver locked into the selected channel and provide enough output power to directly drive the mixer .

  13. 实验研究了电光相位调制中剩余幅度调制以及它的变化引起的碘稳频532nm光频标的频率漂移。

    Residual amplitude modulation ( RAM ) in electro-optical phase modulators ( EOM ) and its influence on the laser frequency shift of iodine-stabilized 532 nm laser are investigated experimentally .

  14. 实验结果表明微波信号的频率漂移小于0.1MHz。

    And the measured results show that the frequency fluctuation of the microwave signal is less than 0.1 MHz . 5 .

  15. ip-iq法和id-iq法都需要低通滤波器,因而会使谐波电流检测精度受到电源频率漂移的影响,而且这两种方法仅适用于三相电力系统。

    Both ip - iq approach and id - iq approach need low pass filters , as a result the accuracy of harmonic current detection is influenced by frequency drift . Moreover , they both can only be used in three-phase power systems .

  16. 基于正反馈频率漂移的光伏并网逆变器反孤岛控制

    Anti-islanding control of grid-connected photovoltaic inverter based on positive feedback frequency drift

  17. 同时,频率漂移量减少了39.6%。

    Meanwhile , the frequency fluctuation cna be reduced by 39.6 % .

  18. 讨论了振动片的频率漂移及其宽度和转子直径之间关系等问题,并给出了该振动片的具体设计方法。

    Finally , give out the method of designing the vibrating plate .

  19. 卫星振动试验中固有频率漂移现象初步研究

    Preliminary research on natural frequency drift in satellite vibration test

  20. 频率漂移跟直流电压、度、波比有关。

    Frequency drifts due to : DC voltage , temperature , VSWR .

  21. 基于频率漂移法的地质透射雷达波的衰减层析成像

    GPR Wave Attenuation Tomography Using the Frequency Shift Method

  22. 并分析温度、湿度等外界环境变化对放大器电路非线性变化的影响,建立60GHz系统频率漂移的物理模型。

    By analyzing the thermal effect to amplifier , we build the frequency drift model .

  23. 本文提出了用锁相环跟踪抖动机构自然频率漂移的方法,设计了一种新型抖动控制器。

    A dither control method using phase lock technology is presented and a controller is developed .

  24. 卫星振动频率漂移现象与非线性参数识别

    The Natural Frequency Shift of Satellite Vibration Test and Parameter Identification of Nonlinear in Satellite Structure

  25. 一种利用激光波前变化检测尾流场的方法尾波场中传播的激光脉冲的频率漂移

    A Wake Field Detection Mothod Using Laser Wavefront Variation Frequency shift of laser pulse propagating in wakefield

  26. 针对卫星振动实验中的频率漂移现象进行了分析。

    This paper analyzed the phenomena in satellite vibration test that natural frequency decreases as excitation level increases .

  27. 实验上观测到光反馈引起激光脉动频率漂移和混沌运转等现象。

    The phenomena of pulsing frequency shift and chaos in CO2 laser caused by light feedback are observed experimentally .

  28. 考虑到实际应用,对距离标定误差和频率漂移引起的测试误差进行了实验研究。

    Considering the fact , an experiment is made on the testing error caused by distance error and frequency drift .

  29. 在总结前面方案的优点和不足基础上,对同步精度,同步保持问题以及频率漂移估计技术进行研究。

    Synchronization accuracy , synchronization maintaining and frequency drift estimate was investigated based on the merits and disadvantage of different schemes .

  30. 加工高质量的石英音叉需要解决工艺误差导致的机械耦合误差及频率漂移等问题。

    To get high quality quartz tuning forks , mechanical coupling error and frequency excursion by machining errors must be resolved .