
  • 网络The Turning;changing direction;crossover;Inside out
  1. 研究目的:折返跑作为变向跑动的一种特殊形式,在实际运动和训练中较为常见。膝关节肌群力量对该能力的影响较大。

    Purpose : As a special form of the changing direction running , shuttle run is common in training and actual movement in which knee muscle strength has great impact on .

  2. 转身过人,拉杆式投篮,拜佛运球,空中变向——贝勒首创了这些进攻技巧。

    Spin moves , double-pumping , hesitation dribbling , changing direction after jumping - Baylor had a first-of-its-kind offensive repertoire .

  3. 就在终场哨响前几秒,他伸脚一挡,使射门的球变向飞过了球门横梁。

    He stuck out his boot and deflected the shot over the bar seconds before the final whistle

  4. 变向平面挤压对Al2O3/TiC双颗粒增强铝合金的影响

    Effect of Multi-axial Plane Compression on Al_2O_3 / TiC Reinforced Aluminum Alloy

  5. (应为obtuseangle钝角)把蒸汽再变向水的过程叫做谈话。

    The process of turning steam into water again is called conversation .

  6. 推导了UHMWPE销变向摩擦下的磨损率公式。

    The wear rate formula of UHMWPE pin in different friction directions is deduced .

  7. 控制电路包括地址发生器、双口ROM、数据变换器、PWM调制和数字变向器的设计。

    The control circuit includes the address generator , the double-channel ROM , the data converter , the PWM modulation and the design of the digital converter .

  8. 首先对单调NC轨迹曲线进行绘制,进一步用不求极值点坐标而实现自动控制变向的方法,求出NC加工轨迹;

    To do this , the monotone curve is firstly drawn , and then without finding the coordinate of the inflexion point , the NC machining path can be obtained by the method of automatic direction control .

  9. 这种新的分区变向扫描方式及其算法已经成功地应用到华中科技大学开发的HRPS系列SLS系统中。

    This new kind of scanning mode and its arithmetic have successfully been applied to HRPS series SLS systems developed by Huazhong University of Science and Technology .

  10. Chesapeake湾撞击坑导致地面沉降、河流变向、海岸含水层的中断、内陆咸水楔的出现、地震,决定Chesapeake湾本身的位置,至今仍然影响当地居民的生活。

    The crater has covered by the post-impact deposit since . The Chesapeake impact crater still affects citizens around the bay today : land subsidence , river diversion , disruption of coastal aquifers , emergence of inland saltwater wedge , earthquakes and location of Chesapeake Bay .

  11. 遥感图象中线状目标骨架提取的变向跟踪法

    Direction-Changed Tracing Method for Liner Objects Skeleton from Remotely Sensed Image

  12. 动力头转速为无线调速,扭矩大,造斜、变向方便。

    Speed fluid drive top-head , large-torque , easily directional drilling .

  13. 对青少年足球运动员变向跑速的研究

    A Study on the Multi - directional Running of Young Soccer Players

  14. 变向恒速平动研磨机的研制

    The Development of Polishing Machine Admitting of Changing-direction Grinding with Constant Velocity

  15. 我前面那辆汽车的变向指示灯示意要向左拐弯。

    The car in front of me was indicating to turn left .

  16. 篮球变向运球突破组合技术的动作方法及其技术分析

    An analysis of basketball direction-changing dribbling breakthrough combined technique movement methods and techniques

  17. 一种变向研磨摩擦试验机的研制

    The Development of Friction Tester Adopting of Changing-di-rection Lapping

  18. 套筒式井眼变向器工作原理及效果分析

    Principle and effect analysis of sleeve borehole defletion tool

  19. 变向探索法及其在水库优化调度中的应用

    The variable direction search method and its application in Hydropower Station Reservoir Optimal Dispatching

  20. 库里擅长节奏掌控和变向,控球技术很棒。

    Curry is good at changing speed and direction and handles the ball well ...

  21. 让我投个变向球给他。

    Let me give him the deuce .

  22. 交替变向电磁场对Al-5%Cu合金缩孔和缩松的影响

    Effect of alternating electromagnetic field on shrinkage cavities and porosities in Al-5 % Cu alloy

  23. 气马达变向运动时死区问题的解决方法

    Solutions to the dead band when shifting the directions of shaft rotations in the air motors

  24. 圆柱齿轮变向机构

    Reverse Mechanism s of Cylindrical Gear

  25. 单向:数据只作一个方向的传送。有别于全变向,半变向。

    Simplex : Data communication in one direction only . Contrast to Full duplex , Half duplex .

  26. 定向井控制技术中套筒型钻井变向器的理论分析

    Theoretical analysis of shell-type azimuth controller and its application to the technique of bit trajectories in directional wells

  27. 交替变向电磁场对稀土镁球铁球化衰退的影响

    The Invention of Ball Influence of Alternative Electromagnetic Field on Nodulizing Degradation of Rare Earth Magnesium Nodular Cast Iron

  28. 煤气炉油压系统大阀门变向慢的原因及改进设想

    Causes for Slow Change in Direction of Major Valves Controlled by Hydraulic System of Coal Gasifiers and Tentative Improvement Ideas

  29. 警方称,大巴在隧道中行驶时突然失控变向撞到路缘,之后撞上了隧道内墙。

    Police said the bus veered and hit a curb , then rammed into a concrete wall in the tunnel .

  30. 改进扫描方式,将变向分区扫描方式与环形扫描方式相结合加工出无缺陷、全密度金属功能零件。

    The scanning mode is improved . Through combining the subarea-scanning and loop-scanning a flawless and full density metal function part is fabricated .