
  1. 他们喜欢喝不加任何东西的素茶。

    They prefer their tea plain with nothing else in it .

  2. 结果表明:云南红茶中的茶多酚、茶红素、茶黄素含量较高;

    The results showed that the contents of polyphenols , thearubibins and theaflavins were higher in black tea .

  3. 本文综述了近年来儿茶素氧化聚合产物茶红素,茶黄素及原花青素清除自由基、抗氧化、抗突变、抑菌抗病毒、抗癌以及在心血管疾病等方面的药理作用研究概况。

    To have an overview of the pharmacological effect of catechins ' oxidation polymers , including antioxidant , antiviral , anticancer and antihypertension properties .

  4. 研究了普洱茶特征成分茶褐素、茶多糖与蛋白质等的复合体对昆明种小白鼠的抗疲劳、降胆固醇以及毒理学效应。

    The anti-fatigue , reduced cholesterol function , acute toxicity and the mutagenicity of extraction of characteristic components in Yunnan pu-erh tea were studied using mouse as experimental animals .

  5. 红茶色素(茶红素、茶黄素)是红茶生产过程中茶多酚类物质经过多种氧化而形成的,是红茶品质形成的关键物质;

    The black tea pigment ( TR , TF ) bring from the multi-oxidation of the TPS during the production , is the pivotal matter of the quality of black tea ;

  6. 综述了茶多酚、儿茶素单体以及茶多糖的结构性质、提取分离、分析检测和应用现状,并对各种提取分离方法和分析检测方法的优缺点进行了比较。

    Structure , properties , extraction and analysis methods , as well as the application status of TP , Catechin Monomers and TPS were summarized .

  7. 目的:观察缺氧条件下血管紧张素-2对培养的血管内皮细胞分泌内皮素的影响及茶多酚的保护作用。

    Objective : To observe changes of expression level of endothelin in endothelial cell after exposure to angiotensin-2 in hypoxia and investigate the protection manchanism of tee polyphenols .

  8. 结论:缺氧条件下,血管紧张素-2可显著增加培养的血管内皮细胞的内皮素浓度,茶多酚可显著降低血管紧张素-2引起的内皮素浓度的增加,从而起到保护作用。

    Conclusion : The Ang-2 can induce obvious changes of endothelin expression level in endothelial cell in hypoxia condition and this change can be reduced significantly by tee polyphenols .

  9. 体外构建黑素细胞与角质形成细胞直接接触的混合培养模型,检测芦荟苦素、熊果苷及茶多酚作用于此模型后对黑素细胞酪氨酸酶活性以及黑素合成的影响。

    Then we detected the effect of aloesin , Tea polyphenols , arbutin on the activity of tyrosinase and the formation of melanine in the melanocytes .